A stressful night

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I apologize if you'd prefer not to breastfeed when/if you decide to have children personally I'd love to do it...until they start teething.Idk if you can just stop breastfeeding but if that's the case then I'll do it until my child starts teething because I don't want them to bite my titty off yk..?

Also if you know you wouldn't prefer breastfeeding just please don't leave comments like "yeah I wouldn't do this" or "this is not what I'd do" because remember it's just a story!

Plus...it's really frustrating when people leave comments like "yeah I wouldn't do that" or "that's not me" because I work really hard to write this and come up with ideas and just keep in mind that the book is not gonna directly match everyone's personality and feelings


You,Katsuki,and Katsumi had all thankfully slept through the whole afternoon and most of the night

It was around 1am when you woke up to cries

You were still dressed in your clothes and everything

But as quickly as you could you got up out of bed and speed walked down the hall

Then you flung the door open

"I'm here!Its ok I'm here baby girl!" You said scooping her up in your arms and bouncing her slightly

She calmed down a bit but she was still crying

Not so much screaming but just quietly crying

You still felt so bad that you couldn't understand what she exactly wanted

Then she took her tiny hand and put it on your breast

"Oh you're hungry baby?" you said sitting down in the rocking chair and pulling your tank top down just enough for her

Once she had notified you that she was finished you wiped yourself and her mouth off and you burped her

As you sat down once again and told her stories about her dad she was starting to get sleepy again

"Yeah...and one time he took me to a beautiful mountain and we camped out there...and I can't go into full detail...because Uhm yeah"
(Yagami Yato Bakugo episode 11...if you know ya know)

Bakugo woke up and immediately noticed that you weren't with him

But the door was wide open

He immediately got up,fearing the worst as he ran to Katsumi's room

Thank god when he opened the door you were sitting in the chair with Katsumi and just whispering to her as you rocked her back to sleep

"What are you doing up dumb ass?"

"Katsumi was crying...did you not hear it...?"

He just shrugged

"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't..."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes

"You're a dick..."

"It's only for you" he said smirking and leaning on the door way

"Shhhhhh!Katsumi shouldn't have to hear that!"

"Oh relax she can't understand us!"

"Ok...you say she can't understand you but it's gonna be funny when her first word is the f word or something..."

"Honestly I'd be proud of that..."

Honestly you couldn't tell what was stressing you out more...

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