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Once you were settled in your hospital room it was about 4:30 in the afternoon and your contractions had gone from about 18 minutes apart to 9 minutes apart.And according to your nurse you were dilated 4cm

You groaned in pain and gripped onto the bed railing as another contraction washed over you
"Jeez are you gonna be ok?You're sweating a lot and you haven't even started pushing"
"I'll be fucking fine!" You snapped "Tch...whatever you say" he said running a hand through your hair

As your contraction died down you decided to mention a little detail that he should know
"Oh by the way your mom and dad are on the way..." you said "NO!NO WAY!" "YES WAY!"

"Fuck" he breathed out while leaning back in his chair


You two were admitted into your hospital room at about 11:00pm.You had told them how you were feeling the last several hours and they told you that you had been in labor for approximately 7 hours

You and Kirishima were still pretty shocked to hear that

Your contractions were 10 minutes apart and you were 5cm dilated "Just think're almost halfway there...then we can meet our baby shark" he encouraged while wiping your forehead with a damp rag "I know it just hurts" you groaned

He peppered kisses all over your face to calm you down "Hey..." you whispered "What?" He whispered back "My dad and your parents are on the way now"


Your contractions were about 11 minutes apart now and you were 4cm dialed "Ugh" you groaned and gripped the bed railing as another contraction spiked

"Can I get you anything..?Oh!Do you wanna watch Pokémon?" He offered "I wanna but I wouldn't be able to focus..." you complain
"Oh...ok then...let's just talk...maybe I can get you to laugh..."

"If you make me laugh with one of your corny jokes I think I might accidentally push her out" you said with a smile "Isn't that what you want..?" He furrowed his eyebrows "Well yeah but that now how it wor-.." Your phone dinged
You looked at it "Oh my dads are on the way..."
"Oh...OH NO!"


You were admitted to the hospital at about 12:45am.Your contractions were about 9 minutes apart and you were 5cm dialed
You were moving along pretty fast but it was very painful.Like very painful "Oh my god" you groaned out while gripping Izuku's hand
He didn't flinch.He was used to having pain in his hand...

"It's ok (Y/N)'re gonna get through it I promise" he encouraged "I'm not sure if I can!" You groaned in pain "It's ok!Cause my mom is on her way!And she knows all about this stuff...I'm not so experienced in this stuff if you know what I mean..." he explained "Yeah...I get it..." you breathed out


You had been admitted to the hospital around 3:30 in the afternoon.Now all you really could do was wait to reach a dilation on 10cm
But you were only at 3!

You sighed...This was gonna take longer then you wanted it to.You were scrolling on Instagram trying to keep yourself occupied when another contraction hit you.You sharply inhaled.And tried to breathe through it

But your sanity was gone once it hit it's highest point of pain "Owwwww ah!Owwwwwww!" You said squeezing your eyes shut "Are you alright my love?Do you need anything?"
He asked while rubbing your shoulder "Could you go get me some more ice chips?" You ask "Are you sure you want me to leave you here?"

"Yeah that's fine...if you see my aunt just bring her back here" you said with a forced smile


You weren't moving very fast in dilation process at all.And it was a pain in the ass to deal with

You were admitted to the hospital around 11:30am so your nurse estimated that with the speed you were moving at you'd be ready to deliver at about 9pm.Just great...

Hitoshi had put on the Aristocats but you couldn't really pay attention to it.You were just in a lot of pain

Once you had a moment when you could actually focus on what was going on your contractions had to be a jerk and start another one.They were about 11 minutes apart now
You grabbed onto Hitoshi's hand and gripped it "Ow" you groaned out in pain

Hitoshi turned to you and rubbed your head
"You're doing so well just gotta deal with it for little while longer then we can see our baby girl" You just nodded and waited for the contraction to die down

Once it did you took a deep breath and checked your phone "Oh...m-my mom is on her way...she'll be here i-in 30 minutes..."


You had been admitted to your hospital room at about 4:25 in the afternoon And your contractions were currently 10 minutes apart with 4 cm of dilation "Ughhhhhhhhh" you said as you gripped Sero's hand while trying to get through the contraction "Shhhhhhh it's ok it's ok!" He reassured you while kissing your cheek
"'s not!" You said as a tear ran down your cheek.Hanta was quick to wipe it awake and kiss your cheek once more

After a little bit you were scrolling on Instagram when there was an incoming call from your brother Kirishima.So you answered it.You figured you could see if him and Bakugo wanted to come to the hospital for a bit
"Hey Kiri"

"Hey sis!So how's it going?"

"Well I-I'm..." you said breathing heavy because you could feel another contraction

"Hey what's wrong?!"

"I'm just at the and Bakugo can come over to visit if you want.." you said as you took deep breaths

"Heck yes!We're on our way now!

BABE!(Y/N) is having our nephews!We have to go to the hospital now!"

" forgot to hang up..."

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