Return of the model/ Yui's hidden talent...?

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The Seirin team were in the locker room getting dressed for training. Koganei spotted a basketball magazine on the bench and looked through it.

"Didn't this issue come out when Kuroko was on the Teiko team?"

Hyuga stood beside him and they flipped through the magazine but couldn't find Kuroko.

"Kuroko...doesn't have an article,"

Koganei looked at Kuroko, "Even though he's the sixth man, didn't they come to interview you?"

"They did, but they forgot about me,"

""So sad"" Izuki, Hyuga and Koganei said looking at the boy with pity.

Kuroko ignored their pity and spoke, "Besides, I'm not like the others. They're real prodigies."

When he finished, the door burst open and in came a happy looking Fukuda.

"She's back! The coach is back! We're gonna play a practice game,"

"Who are we gonna play?" Hyuga asked.

"I don't know. She was skipping for some reason though." Fukuda said scratching the back of his head.

Hyuga looked startled and anxious, "She was skipping?!" He turned towards his teammates and spoke in an ominous voice, "Be ready everyone. If she's skipping, our next opponents are gonna be real tough,"


Outside the gate of Seirin, a handsome blonde guy stood and stared at the school with a smirk plastered on his face. "So this is Seirin, new and pristine like I expected,"

He walked in and immediately attracted the many gazes of girls who blushed and whispered excitedly as he walked by. Kise smiled and found his way to the gym where the team were practicing.

Kagami displayed his skills which were aggressive and rough as always and the team watched him dunk in awe. The first years commented that he may be able to match the GOM and even have a chance at beating them.

The blonde model who had yet to make himself known watched the redhead and wore a smirk.

"Okay gather around," Riko called the players together. She told them who their opponent for the practice match was and everyone looked stunned.

"A practice game against Kaijo?" Hyuga asked with wide eyes. It was a well known fact that Kaijo was a top school and this year, they got ahold of a member of the Kiseki no Sedai, Kise Ryouta.

"That's right. They won't disappoint us," Riko said looking happy. 'This will help prepare the team for the games to come.'

Everyone seemed nervous. They were fully aware of Kaijo's strength so winning against them was quite unlikely.

Kagami was fired up knowing he'd get to play one of the generation of miracles so early.

Suddenly, the team's attention was brought the overwhelming amount of girls that appeared in the gym. They were all surrounding someone.


"What is the generation of miracles, Kise Ryota, doing here?"

The blonde model was giving autographs to the girls and he made eye-contact with Kuroko who greeted him. "It's good to see you again," the bluehead said with his usual blank face.

"Good to see you," Kise replied with a grin. The team watched the exchange with curious eyes when Kise looked sheepish and apologetic. "Ah I didn't mean for this to happen. Sorry could you give me 5 minutes?"

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