Skating and New Friends

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Kagami checked the time on his phone and scowled. 'This girl...she'd better not ditch me after calling me all the way here.'

He held his new skateboard under one arm and his sports bag on his shoulder. There was a basketball court just opposite where he was standing and he regretted not bringing his ball. He could've shot a few hoops while waiting.

After 4 minutes, Yui finally arrived panting hard. It was obvious she must've run.

"S-sorry I'm late, I had to finish a few things at home," she says while adjusting her jacket. Kagami walked up to her and flicked her head. "Ouch"

"Baka, you got some nerve to make me wait after calling me all the way out here."

"Hey I apologized already," Yui said rubbing her forehead. Kagami just rolled his eyes and asked in his usual grumpy voice, "So...what was the reason for suddenly inviting me to skate?"

"Nothing really. Just thought it'd be fun, heh," Yui gave a sheepish grin when she saw the scowl on the redhead's face.

The two made their way over the skate park that was practically deserted. It actually looked kinda shady and Kagami wondered how the girl even found this place. This place did remind him of his time in America. He and Himuro had met a few skaters at the basketball courts and they taught the two kids to ride skateboards.

Yui turned to Kagami who seemed to be lost in thought staring at the park. She tapped his shoulder and motioned for him to follow her. They went up to the deck and Yui positioned her skateboard at the edge of the bowl [1] and rubbed her nose.

"Oi, you sure you can skate? I can't be bothered to look after an injured child," Kagami said watching her. Yui pouted when she looked at him. "Child? We're the same age baka. And yes, I can skate,"

Without another word, Yui tipped her skateboard and rode into the bowl. She smiled as she felt the breeze and took her board up to the other side and did a trick where she stayed on the edge and went back down. Finally, she came back up to Kagami and landed on the deck.

"Well? How's that?" the brunette smirked feeling proud. Kagami shrugged and took his position.

"H-hang on, are you sure YOU can handle it? You've only skated a bit right?" Yui asked with genuine worry. She thought that with the idiot's competitive attitude, he was trying to match her. Kagami ignored her and went down the side.

What happened next made Yui drop her jaw.

Kagami came up on the other side and did a flip in the air before making a perfect landing and he rode along the sides before doing a grind[2] at the top on the edge. His balance was perfect and he made no mistakes.

When he finished, he came back to Yui who glared at him.


"You, you totally lied to me! You said you only skated a little bit!" Yui accused him pointing her finger almost jabbing his nose. Kagami swat her hand away rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't lying. I really didn't skate much,"

"B-but then how...?"

Kagami gave a victory smile that made Yui want slap him. "I never said I wasn't good at it,"

Yui was about to say something when another voice spoke up grabbing both their attentions. They turned to see a group of teens, perhaps their age or older, walking to them holding skateboards of their own.

"That was some rad skating dude," a guy with cornrow braids said grinning. He had black hair and a lip piercing. Frankly, he looked a little intimidating but he had a friendly tone in his voice. There was a girl and two other guys behind him.

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