Hot Spring Trip (1)

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"Hot spring?" 

"Yeah, all of us are going and we were hoping you and Kagami could join us," Haruka said over the phone.

Yui was sorting out her printed pictures with her cellphone situated between her head and her shoulder. She bundled up a couple of prints and tapped them on her desk before placing them neatly in her file.

"Sure, I'd love to go but I think Kagami won't be able to. He and his basketball team are going tomorrow and he'll be swamped with training from then on," replied Yui. She knew very well what was going to happen at the hot spring tomorrow.

"Damn that's right. I keep forgetting Kagami's the ace of his team," Haruka clicked her tongue. "Well, is there anyone else you'd like to invite? Our van has room for more."

Yui paused, "When you say 'our van'..."

Haruka coughed and said, "Rio's cousin's cousin apparently owns this rad-"

"Okay! I think I got it. As long as it doesn't break down on the way there," Yui cut her off with a sigh. 

Honestly, this guy has way too many family members.

"Great! I'll tell the guys. See you on Saturday,"

The call ended and Yui pursed her lips. To be honest, she was quite proud of herself for making it this far in an anime world and she was pleased her presence seemed to have no effect on the plot.

Surely it will continue until the end so she'll just hang around doing her own thing until then. 

Speaking of her own thing...

Yui opened her computer and started editing some of her novel drafts. She had actually long completed her story but was touching up the details.

'Maybe I should hire an editor. All this editing is such a chore' she thought with a small grumble.

She had more than enough funds to hire someone but maybe she could get a student who'd do it for cheap.

"Eh, I'll think about it later," 


[That Night]

Yui was lying on her bed chatting with her red-haired basketball baka boyfriend.

"You're going to the hot springs?" Kagami's voice sounded edgy. "With those idiots?!"

"Taiga-kun, you're the last person to call anyone an idiot with your test scores," Yui bit back mercilessly. 

"Wha- You-!" 

She was about 90% sure he was turning red on the other side of the phone. Yui burst out laughing and said, "Sorry sorry. It was a joke, but really, you should study more. Idiots don't win."

"You sound like my coach," he muttered. "Fine, I'll study if YOU promise to stay out of trouble with those doofuses."

"When you say trouble..."

Kagami growled, "I mean any type of trouble! Because I swear, one of these days, you and those idiots are going to land yourselves in jail."

"Hey now, you think so little of us?" Yui pouted.

"Yes," a blunt and straightforward answer.


"Fine, I promise to do my best not to get into trouble," she smirked.

"That's not the--"

"BYE!!" Yui tapped the red button and hung up on him. Kagami's such a mother sometimes.

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