Chapter Thirteen

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I was floating.

My body was flowing with the waves as I lay on my back, the warm liquid soothing my aching muscles and causing my mind to feel at ease.

I couldn't remember how I came to be here, but I didn't mind. All I could think about was how peaceful I felt as my body floated and moved in sync with the waves of liquid. It flowed smoothly around me, gently sloshing against my bare skin.

And then it changed.

The once gentle caress of the waves disappeared as they became harsher and rose up around me, slashing harshly at my sides as my mind became panicked. I turned, attempting to tread water, pumping my legs vigorously as I struggled to keep my head above the surface.

The waves continued to rage, tearing me from the feelings of peace that I had been lost in previously, and throwing me into a frenzy for survival. I was thrown from side to side as I tried to follow the waves and not be dragged down with the current.

The liquid had become thicker, surrounding me and clinging to my body. I raised my hands above me so that I could examine the liquid. They were covered in a thick layer of crimson slime and caused a scream to erupt from my throat.

As soon as I opened my mouth, the liquid rushed in and made me choke as it seemed to claw its way down my throat. It burned as it flowed and I continued to cough.

My legs were tiring, my body aching. It was giving up as my throat was assaulted by the strange liquid and I had to swallow, not able to take a single breath.

I sunk as my frantic kicking slowed and I descended into the darkness below.


My eyes snapped open and I inhaled a large breath of air, sitting up quickly in unknown surroundings. My skin was damp with a layer of cold sweat, my hair matted to the sides of my head. Immediately, I began to panic, the images of my dream replaying in my mind.

''Oh, you're finally awake.'' A soothing voice calmed me and Marie approached her eyes full of sympathy. I realised I was resting on the medical bed in her room, it wasn't particularly comfortable.

''W-what happened?'' My heart was beating overtime as the memories rushed back.

''Stay calm, sweetie.'' She rested a hand on my bare shoulder, rubbing soothing circles into my skin. Her words and actions did little to calm my nerves as I rushed to stand up and was quickly pushed down again by Marie, ''No, no. I'm not letting you go anywhere yet, you've lost a lot of blood and you are still very pale.''

''I feel fine, I have to go.'' I lied, wishing that I could just leave, be done with this whole situation and forget about my disturbing dream. My only wish was to escape downstairs to the slave quarters where hiding in a bed there felt more comforting.

''I am under the orders of Prince Aiden and must follow them and ensure you stay here, I'm sorry.'' She really did look sorry but I didn't need her sympathy. What I needed was to leave.

I suddenly remembered the immense pain I had gone through with Josh and instantly my hand came up to feel around my neck. The pain had dulled to a hardly noticeable ache and from what I could feel, there were only two puncture holes where he had bitten me.

But, I was sure he had ripped my skin when Aiden had pulled him away and from the amount of pain and blood there had been, it was obvious that a lot of damage had been done. Hadn't Millie even said that there was nothing they could for me?

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