Chapter Sixteen

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I was completely muddled, as to why Aiden had suddenly acted like this.

There was no reason that I could think of as to why he had ignored me and not even looked at me just then. It was as if something had clicked and had made his view on me completely change. A small part of me had its suspicions.

The others were silent for a while after he left, myself and Rose were still eating and Josh sat fidgeting on the same log Aiden had previously occupied. It wasn't until Rose and I had finished that Josh decided to speak.

''Do either of you have any combat skills?'' He looked up from where he had been fiddling with his hands.

''Not really.'' Rose spoke, her tone unsure as I shook my head.

''I think it would probably be best if you both had some form of defence. I mean, just in case something were to go wrong when we get there.'' He straightened and I found that his gaze still unnerved me.

''My parents taught me the basics when I was younger.'' I was surprised at how confident Rose sounded and I envied her for it. If only I had some knowledge in this area, then maybe I would be able to speak more with Josh. All of these situations being thrown at me made the realisation of how little I was prepared for this become frighteningly clear.

''Oh yeah? Like what?'' Josh had a smile on his face as he watched Rose stand up from the ground.

She had a sureness to her stance as she seemed to relax into a fighting position. I was sat by the fire, watching her as the reflection of lights danced across the planes of her face making her seem more menacing. I watched in amazement as she taunted Josh with her hand, a smile lighting up her features. It was obvious that she was comfortable in this sort of situation and her negative mood from earlier seemed to have vanished.

Josh stood lazily, his own bold smile plastered on his face and his green eyes shining with eagerness. He approached her slowly at first as Rose seemed to be balancing her weight on her toes, her hands outstretched in front of her protectively. From the way she was stood, I had no doubt that Rose knew what she had doing and had understated how much her parents had taught her. My own parents hadn't done much to teach me in the ways of combat, probably because I was never too interested in any sports and was a lost cause anyway with my lack of strength.

Lost in my thoughts, I jumped when Josh lunged forward towards Rose. There was a brief moment of alarm as I wondered if he would hurt her the way he had me and I tensed, waiting.

Rose attempted a block, but failed. Josh easily broke past her defences and grabbed her, overpowering her with his immense strength. He pinned her arms to her sides and lent in, ''I don't think that's going to cut it.'' He teased, his smile never faltering.

Rose's eyes were wide with fright at his sudden movements. I looked on, nervous until Josh released her and she stepped away from him,'' I think we may need to practice.'' Her voice shook, the fear returning as both of us realised just how different they were.

''Your form was good, it just needs some polishing.'' He turned away and faced me still grinning, ''Do you want to have a go, Violetta?''

''N-no thanks.'' I stuttered, ''I've never learnt much about fighting.''

''I'm sure Aiden will be willing to teach you a few things,'' A knowing look crossed his face and I wondered if he still believed what he had told me earlier about Aiden caring for me.

I was certain now more than ever that Aiden felt nothing.

''Anyway, Rose, I need to feed.'' Josh's face had turned serious and his tone hard. I watched as her expression fell and realisation dawned upon her features. He was hungry and she was here to provide him with the sustenance he needed on this trip.

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