Chapter Twenty

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''Are we almost there?'' We had begun walking again, this time not running thankfully. The downside was that we were nowhere near as fast and my sore muscles protested as the distance we travelled lengthened, but at least I hadn't lost my lunch.

''Almost.'' Aiden stated nonchalantly, answering my question. He was carrying the prepared potion in one hand, careful not to damage it or spill any. Josh had prepared it earlier, the only noticeable change being the brightening of the already fluorescent liquid to neon blue.

I didn't know what the boys thought of it, but the colour was unnerving. A constant reminder of the mission that cemented my forced commitment to the vampires.

''Don't you think we should drink that stuff now, Aiden? We're getting closer.'' Josh's voice held the faint sign of nerves, but I wondered whether I was imagining them. Surely he wasn't scared?

''Fine. Let's hope that it works.'' Aiden slowed and stared at the vial in his hand for a moment before quickly drinking some of the liquid.

It looked thick and I could imagine it tasted vile as Aiden's eyebrows pulled together and his eyes squeezed shut for a moment in distaste. Nothing happened for a while as we all waited, anticipating what was to come.

''Anything?'' Aiden's voice was hopeful.

''Nope.'' Josh was staring at his friend, a look of disbelief on his face as he came to the conclusion that the potion wasn't going to work.

''That witch!'' Aiden exclaimed, throwing the vial down in anger. Before it could hit the floor, Josh caught it and backed away from Aiden whose irritation was escalating by the second. ''How could she betray us like this!?''

As we watched him, all too terrified and disappointed to speak, his stormy blue eyes began to fade. At first it was a subtle difference, the colour dimming, and my mind didn't register it as unusual. It was only when the ocean blue dissolved completely that I realised.

''Your eyes are grey.'' My voice was quiet and full of disbelief.

Aiden's eyes snapped to mine, the dark grey colour completely eclipsing them so that they seemed darker, ''What?'' His voice was sharp.

Josh opened his mouth to speak, only to close it again when Aiden's hair began to shift. It was strange to watch, his hair moving as if of its own accord and becoming slightly longer at the sides, covering his ears. Then the colour brightened to a dirty blonde shade, certain areas of his hair taking a longer time to adjust.

''What's happening?'' Aiden's expression had lost all traces of rage, now only showing his curiosity.

''Your hair.'' Rose spoke for the first time beside me; she looked just as absorbed as I felt as we watched the transformation.

Aiden's hand came up to touch his hair; he ran his hand through it and followed the strands down where they covered his ears. As he did this, his face began to fade slightly, as if the lighting around him was distorting his features. I blinked, thinking that I was imagining the blurred contours of his face, but when I opened my eyes Aiden was completely unrecognisable.

I couldn't help but think he didn't look as attractive. But I guessed that was what they were going for; plain and ordinary. Somebody who your eyes would pass over in a crowd.

''Woah, that was weird.'' Josh looked thoughtful.

''I guess it worked then.'' Aiden's usual crooked smile lit up the face of the stranger. Surprisingly, his voice hadn't changed, but I supposed that it didn't matter much anyway since the rebels wouldn't be able to recognise a vampire from their voice, even the prince.

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