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"𝖨𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍.. 𝖠 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒, 𝗆𝗒 𝗅𝗈𝗋𝖽?"


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IT WAS NOW 31st OF OCTOBER, 1981. Voldemort smirked as he looked at the house in front of him. His red eyes shone with greed as he kicked the door down,

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! I'll hold him off!" James Potter exclaimed as he rushed over, but was knocked out immediately by a simple 'Stupify' from the dark lord.

Voldemort let out an amused chuckle at the pathetic man. He had made a promise to Severus to spare the mudblood woman, so killing a pureblood and sparing a mudblood would raise unwanted questions.

He quickly walked upstairs and looked slightly confused as to why there were three rooms, but walked to the one where there was light coming from it and kicked it open.

"No! Please not my baby! Kill me instead!" tried Lily, clutching her baby boy to her chest.

"Step aside, silly girl." sneered Voldemort.

Lily opened her mouth to refuse but stopped when Ava crawled in, suddenly getting an idea. "Kill her instead." She offered.

Voldemort gaped, "You're offering up somebody else's baby—"

"She's mine." Lily corrected, looking disgusted.

Voldemort looked back at the baby girl and blinked a few times at the powerful dark magic, "You disgust me, mudblood." He sneered at the woman, "Stupify."

He rolled his eyes as her unconscious body hit the ground and looked back at the baby girl on the floor, who was looking at him with a tilted head, ".. Can you talk?"

Ava blinked. Voldemort shook his head at his stupidity and looked back at Harry, planning to go back to the girl later on. "Avada Kedavra."

He looked confused and alarmed as the killing curse rebounded and hit him, making him let out an agonizing scream.

Everything in the room started shaking. Much to the shock of the dark lord, the pain stopped and he felt.. new.

For starters, he now had hair and his snake-like face was gone. His nose had also changed, no longer being the slit-like nose.

He confusedly looked at Ava, gaping at the obvious magic, "You did this?" He whispered in reluctant awe.

Ava merely tilted her head and gave him a small smile.

Voldemort, or now, Tom Riddle, nodded as he thought of something. "I'm taking you. No matter what happens, I'll still be a better parent than those two." He sneered at the unconscious woman once again and picked up the baby girl as he heard someone getting into the house.

Voldemort put his hood up as he apparated into the Slytherin manor's meeting room, waiting for his followers while looking at the baby in his arms. "What's your name, little one?" He asked, knowing that she couldn't talk or understand that much, but was still curious.

He sighed when he realized that she was now asleep. She was way too quiet for a baby, and slightly thin.

Voldemort didn't look up from the girl in his arms even when his inner circle were now in the meeting room.

They all shared shocked glances, not knowing whether to ask or not. Bellatrix, being the most curious and already in awe at the baby, stepped up. "My lord?"

"Yes, Bella?"

"Is that.. A baby.. My lord?"

"Yes." Voldemort confirmed and put his hood down, making them all gasp and share shocked looks again. "She's Harry Potter's twin and.. has been very mistreated."

At this, the inner circle, especially Bellatrix and Narcissa, started looking outraged and cursed the Potters with words that a baby should not hear this soon.

Dolohov, who was usually merciless, stepped up and cooed at the baby, earning 'really?' looks from the others, especially his lord. "What? Don't act like you guys don't want to see her! She's our lord's daughter now!"

"She is not my daughter, Dolohov-"

"Your daughter is absolutely adorable, my lord." Narcissa gushed, who was now holding Ava.

Voldemort pinched the bridge of his new nose, "As I was saying, the Potter boy somehow survived a killing curse, which rebounded to me. She saved me. The aura of her magic is extremely dark and powerful, which is probably why the Potters have practically disowned her."

Mulciber grinned as the baby was now in his arms, "Aren't you a cutie little one? Yes, you are. Yes, you certainly are!" He exclaimed in a baby voice, earning disbelieving looks.

"My lord." Lucius stepped up, "What's her name?"

"That I do not know, but I shall work out a solution." Voldemort admitted, earning a pat on the shoulder from the blond man. He suddenly looked at Pettigrew, "Surely you must've known about this child, Wormtail?"

Peter flinched at his tone, "Y-Yes.. my lord. I did. Her-.. Her name is A-Ava."

"Ava?" sneered Voldemort, "That's a common muggle name. I'll be sure to change it."

"I've got a child, as well. Tough shit, I daresay." Lucius said, earning a glare from both Voldemort and Narcissa.

"If you all are done losing your composures, I'd like to know what happened with the Longbottoms." Voldemort stated, looking at the three Lestranges and Barty Crouch Jr. , who were the only quiet ones apart from Severus Snape, who looked calculated and also slightly angered, and Peter Pettigrew, who was quiet because he was just a coward.

Rabastan winced, not wanting to be apart of this conversation, so he just rushed over to where Ava was, who was being held by Bellatrix and was now awake. "Hey, she really is cute.." mused Rabastan, grinning as the girl held one of his fingers, "Adorable."

"My lord." Rodolphus cleared his throat, "The Longbottom heir is.. safe. However, his parents now are.. insane due to the number of cruciatus curses we used on them."

"Oh, for the love of—" muttered Voldemort as he kicked a chair that was close by, losing his composure for the first time ever, mostly because of how he couldn't stop thinking about how the girl was treated.

"We can go after them again, my lord—" Bellatrix tried, the awe evident in her eyes because of his new looks, making Voldemort cringe.

"No, Bellatrix. Dumbledore and the others probably now think that I'm dead, so I shall be 'dead' for a few years, just until I figure out a plan."

Bellatrix frowned, "Very well, my lord."

"Narcissa, set up a room for the girl. You too, Bellatrix." Voldemort ordered tiredly, earning excited nods from the two women.

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