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"𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝖽𝗈𝗋𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾."


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—DRACO WAS SURE THAT SHE COULD HEAR HIS HEART CRACKING. "What?" He whispered. Alexandria's eyes teared up, "Draco, it's for the best. You should've found someone to get betrothed to by now."

"I have a few more months, Eleanor. I'll find a way for us by then."

"We can't get betrothed. The parents have to agree and they would never agree to us. Narcissa might, but my father and yours— they'd never."

"Why would you think that?"

"Lucius is too much of a coward to even talk to my father. No offense." She added the last part quickly.

"None taken," he mumbled with a sigh. "Do you have another reason for us to break up?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean: are you unhappy in this relationship? Or anything like that."

"No, Draco. Trust me, I'd love to have a future with you, but a betrothal just won't do—"

"Hold my hand," instructed the boy, an idea forming in his head.

"What?" Alexandria frowned in confusion.

"Do you trust me?"

She nodded and swallowed. "With my life."

He smiled. "Hold my hand, Ellie."

"Where are we?" asked Alexandria as soon as the two landed at the place Draco apparated them to.

"London," replied Draco, looking around the empty place. "I needed somewhere absolutely private to do this, and maybe somewhat memorable."

She smoothened out her dress, looking around— only now noticing the rain falling. "Do what?" She finally asked, looking back at him.

He took a deep breath and stepped closer to her, putting his hand under her chin and making her look at him. "You're the only girl I've had my eyes on ever since we were kids. You know that, right?"

Alexandria became quiet, letting him talk.

"And I've always wanted to be yours. I've always wanted to spend my life with you. And when we first started dating, I felt like I was the luckiest guy in the world. I still do. Every time I kiss you, hold your hand, see you, or even think of you— I still get the butterflies I did when it all first happened, and we've been together for more than a year now."

"Where's this coming from, Draco?"

"I understand if you're not ready or simply don't want to, but.." Draco took a few steps back, pulling something out from his pocket, and kneeling on one knee.

He opened the ring box and asked, "Will you marry me, Alexandria Eleanor Slytherin?"

The girl gasped, staring at the ring and then at the boy. "Yes," she breathed out. "Yes, of course."

"How long have you been planning that?" asked Alexandria when he apparated themselves back to Zabini manor— even though they were in the gardens.

Draco smiled. "Ever since the news of having to get betrothed. I knew our fathers wouldn't ever agree to us getting betrothed, so.."

"Their opinions wouldn't matter if we got engaged." She finished, shaking her head fondly.

He stepped in front of her and put his hands around her waist, kissing her forehead. "Exactly, love." He said, then let go of her waist and took her hand, staring at the ring on her finger.

Alexandria smiled softly when he kissed it. "I'll have to hide it for a while," she pointed out, looking at it.

"Don't hide it around me, though. I'd like to see it on my fiancée's hand."

She blushed, making him chuckle.

"You're adorable," he said, then started walking, holding her hand. "Let's go before anybody notices that we were gone."

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