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—MORE THAN A MONTH HAD PASSED AND IT WAS NOW YULE. Alexandria sat down in the living room by the fireplace, the inner circle all there— except for the Malfoys. "You had something to tell us?" asked Remus.

"I'm engaged," blurted out Alexandria.

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds until Barty's wine glass fell to the floor and shattered, snapping everyone out of their shock.

"Is it Draco?" asked Bellatrix excitedly.

Alexandria nodded. "Yeah."

"Congratulations, Lexie!" Rabastan picked her up as if it was nothing, spinning her around and ignoring her shocked squeal.

"Raba, put the girl down," advised Rodolphus with a roll of his eyes.

Rabastan huffed, but did as his brother said.

Sirius wiped a tear from his cheek. "She really is grown up."

"This wasn't supposed to be depressing," mocked Alexandria, trying to lift up his mood.

And she was able to do so as he laughed.

"I didn't even know they were together!" Mulciber finally joined in. "I didn't know Alexa even had a boyfriend!"

Dolohov's eyes widened in horror. "Alexa had a boyfriend and now a fiancé."

"Men, we know what to do," stood up Barty, walking out of the room— the other men (except for Sirius and Remus) walking out with him.

"They're going to be threatening Draco, aren't they?"

Remus nodded at his goddaughter's words. "Definitely."

"Doesn't Malfoy manor have wards around it like Slytherin manor does?"

"Yes, it does." Sirius nodded. "They literally went for nothing. They won't be able to get into the manor unless Lucius himself changes the whole wards, which would take months."

She rolled her eyes fondly.

"Congratulations, Lexie. I'm really proud of you," Remus hugged her, smiling when she hugged back immediately.

"Thank you, Rem."

As soon as the two walked out of the room— and so did Bellatrix— Harry sat down next to his sister. "Can I see the ring?"

She nodded, giving him her hand.

"Malfoy has good taste in rings," admitted Harry, staring at the simple but elegant diamond ring on her finger.

She let out a small chuckle, then frowned in concern when she noticed his look. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I really am proud of you, Alexandria. I'm so glad you're happy and finally found someone to love," admitted her brother.

Alexandria smiled. "Thank you, Harry. That means a lot."

"When are you planning to be Mrs. Malfoy?" He teased with a grin.

"Oh, I'm too proud of my last name to fully change it. It's going to be Mrs. Slytherin-Malfoy."

He laughed. "That's wonderful."

"Well, we'll get married when we're finally ready. Which probably would be in a few years."

"Don't rush it," he advised.

"I know. So, how's thing going with Zabini?" She changed the subject.

Harry smiled. "Good. Everything's going good. We have a date next week."

"First date?" Alexandria wiggled her eyebrows.

He rolled his eyes fondly. "Yes."

"That's great. I hope everything goes well."

"Congratulations," muttered Tom, not looking at his daughter and going over some paperworks.

She frowned. "I don't think that it has sunk in for you, yet.."

"That you're engaged?" He looked up and rolled his eyes. "It has sunken in. Congratulations."

Her frown went away. She stood up and nodded. "Alright. Thank you."

"I just think it's weird that you never told me you've been dating him for the past year."

"You can be.. overprotective.. at times. I wanted to tell you. I really did. But I was worried for his safety."

Tom finally looked up, face dropping. "You think I'd do something to somebody you care for?"

"No, but I wasn't going to take any chances."

He nodded understandingly. "I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't trust your father. I'm sorry for making you feel that way."


He held up a hand as a sign to silence her, then pointed to the door. "You may leave now, Lex."

"Yes, father," she mumbled, walking out of the office.

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