Ships Levi x Reader

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Hey everyone! I found this one shot that was SUPPOSED to be my first one on here, but I lost it...oops? Well I dedicate this to my loyal friend Skyler. She's MY Hange, making my life more interesting by the minute :-).
Skyler Lawson
Hair color- light brown
Eye color- brown
Height- 5'11"
"I ship them!"


"Those two! The red head and the blonde!"

"Awwww they're so cute!!"

This has been going on for the past hour and a half. Squad leader Hange, and squad leader Skyler always do this!

It's nothing new. Ever sense Skyler and I joined the scouts, the duo was always ranting about something. I find that a good thing. You see, Skyler and I have been friends for a long time. Even before the scouts, she would always rant to me. That said I'm glad she found Hange. It good to get those emotions out. However, that doesn't make it any less annoying!

I gave out a heavy sigh, and crossed my arms, leaning on a tree watching the cadets train.

"(F/n)! What do you think?!" Skyler exclaimed excitedly. I glanced at her for a second, then turned my gaze to the cadets again.

"I think that we should be watching the cadets. Like we were told to," I stated with boredom. Both women let out a giggle. Hange came and placed her arm around my shoulder.

"Come on (F/n) lighten up! I swear you get more like shorty every day!" Hange laughed out. I couldn't help but blush at the comment. It's true that in do, but that's what happens we you spend a lot of time with someone. For the past three months I've been secretly dating none other then Corporal Levi. I don't mind keeping it a secret. The late night talks. Secret kisses, and the thrill of sneaking around! More importantly, it saves me from these two from embarrassing me. Not like they don't do that now anyway.

"Whatever," I said stoically, shrugging her arm off.

"Speaking of Levi, I have the perfect ship!" Skyler excitedly shouted. Gaining interest in the brunettes comment, I listen in.

"Who?!" Hange yelled with excitement. Skyler paused, then squealed with delight.

"LEVI AND EREN!!!" She jumped, throwing her arms in the air. Earning another squeal from the crazed scientist.

'E-Eren....a-and Levi....OH HELL NO!!!' A dark aura surrounded me. As well as an angry tick mark.

The giggling girls stopped what they were doing, and took in my dark presence. They both looked at each other and started giggling again.

"Aww (N/n) (nick name), are you jealous!~" Skyler sang. Her words snapped me out of my trance, then began to fluster.

"N-no! I just don't agree with you is all," I stammered. Both girls looked amused.

"Oh really? Well you never used to comment on our ships before hmmmm~" Hange stated. My blush intensified.

"Aww she's blushing!!!" Skyler exclaimed. Both women began skipping around chanting, "(F/n) loves Levi!" Over and over again.

"Tch, shitty glasses, Lawson, what the hell are you guys yapping about!? It's getting extremely annoying!" A pissed off corporal stated.

'Oh God NOT LEVI!!!' I mentally screamed.

"Oh nothing really, we were just expressing that our friend (N/n), has a thing for you!~" Skyler sang. Levi rose a brow, then quickly glanced and my flushed figure. He kept on a stoic face, but I could tell by his eyes that he was amused.

"Oh really? Is this true (L/n)?" Levi teased.

'Levi you bastard!' I swallowed my saliva, then took a deep breath.

"Sir, I was just trying to tell these two nit wits that you're not gay." (p.s. I don't care if you are so don't think I'm a homophobe, I love you just the way you are 😊) Shock spread across his face, but it quickly left as fast as it came.

"Why the hell would you need to explain that?" He looked at me questionably.

"They shipped you with...Eren," I quietly said. Rage filled his eyes, then snapped his head in Skyler and Hanges direction.

"What?" Levi sated calmly, however I could tell he was furious. Both girls stood their ground, but I could tell that they were terrified.

"We thought it was cute.."Skyler said. An angry tick mark appeared on Levis' forehead. He opened his mouth, about to say something until Hange interrupted.

"You know what would be even cuter then Eren and Levi?!"

"What?" Skyler asked. Hange chuckled then began to bounce.

"(F/N) AND LEVI!!!" Skyler quickly agreed, while Levi and I looked at each other dumbfounded. Once we regain our composure, levi looked back at the squealing girls.

"Tch whatever, just don't be so annoying," Levi gave me a quick wink, then you to the mercy your insane friends.


I was sitting on Levi's lap snuggling into his chest, while he was doing paper work. I looked up at him and smiled. He noticed my staring, his gaze softening. He gave out a sigh, then put his pen down, and held you closer to him.

"What is is brat?" He questions. I gave out a little giggle, and felt his heart beat speeding up.

"Do you think that try will ever find out?" I giggled once more. He cracked a smile and chuckled. He then brushed his hand through my (h/l) (h/c) locks.

"Who knows? But whether they know or not doesn't matter. It only matters that I have you." I felt heat rise to my face, he chuckled at my reaction. He pushed my face closer to his, and our lips connected. I quickly returned it, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

The kiss was short lived. A huge bang was heard. Levi's and my lips departed. We turned to see a smiling Hange and giggling Skyler. My face flushed and Levi gave them an icy glare.

"OUT!!!" He demanded. Both girls ran out yelling, " OUR SHIP CAME TRUE!!!" Throughout the halls of HQ. Feeling even more flustered, I jumped up from Levi's lap, about to leave and strangle them. My plans were short lived when Levi grabbed my wrist, and pulled me on his lap again, nestling into my hair.


"Let them. It's about time people knew. I've seen the way Jeager looks at you. Now he can know that you're MINE." He said possessively. He turned my face towards him, and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. I snuggled my head in the crook of his neck, while he held me protectively.

"I love you (F/n)."

"I love you too Levi."
___________________________Not my best one but I still like it 😊. And I know Levi is OOC but whatever it's cute! My next one is Teacher Levi x reader. That ones taking a while, it's sooo long! But I don't mind 😊. Also just wanted to know if you guys like a show called Durarara, more importantly Izaya or anything that deals with Batman, if so check out 'brinicole334'. She's an AMAZING writer! If you don't know then just ignore me 😝. As I said before this is for my friend Skyler. Thanks for being by my side Skyler. You're the best! Okay well I'm out love you reader-chan! Stay AWESOME!!!

Levi x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now