Teacher Levi x Reader Part 1

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Hey guys! This is another request by 'yoailover090'. Also this story is going to take awhile so I'm doing it in parts. This story is based loosely of a movie called 'The Garden of Words'. It's a very good story, and I recommend it if you like this one shot. Alright! Enough with my rambling! Let's go!

(F/n)'s POV

I like days when it rains. The smell of it. The feeling of it on my skin. It's also the weather of the day that I met him.

I remember to this day how it went. It was the beginning of June. The rainy season in the Kanto region of Japan. My summer uniform hung loosely, due to my short stature. The bustling streets of Tokyo, filled with business men and women. My (h/l) (h/c) soaked with the falling rain.

I always skip school on rainy days. They give me this muse. You see, I want to be a writer. Always carrying around my beat up, brown leather journal with random entries and stories. Rainy days just give me the urge to write.

As the rain drops fell, a smirk began to spread across my face. I picked up my school bag, and dashed out of the monorail station, away from school.

On rainy days I always go here. To a beautiful park, that's desolate when it pours. I always sit under the gazebo, and write about whatever the rain tells me. I'm always alone.

I walked down the damp path laid out before me, leading to my destination. The gazebo finally in view.

My eyes widen and I stop in my tracks. There before me was a man.
He had damp raven black hair that was on the style of an undercut, and piercing steel blue eyes. He looked no older then 22 (yes I know Levi is 32 but for story purposes he's 22) and his work uniform was soaked due to the drizzling rain. His face was stuck with a stoic look, as if he didn't care about anything at all. By his looks I can tell that he's foreign. Next to him was a thermos filled with some sort of hot beverage.

I stood there motionless trying to decide if I should continue with my previous plans of staying here. I liked being alone, and this man was obviously ruining me of having that time.

Levi's POV

Every day is the same. I wake up, go to work, go home again and sleep. This vicious cycle happens again and again. My life is at a constant repeat. Nothing new, always the old. My job sucks, I hate it with every ounce of my being. It's not exactly what I wanted to do with my life, but it pays rent. The job that I actually wanted was taken from me. All because of some brat, Tch.

'I just wish something would change this vicious cycle.'

I always take the monorail to everyday to work. An old satchel hung at my side and black tea in my thermostat. As I walked down the side walk with bustling people I come across a park. I just stopes an stood there. Why this place catches my interest is unknown to me. It just seems like some average filthy park to me. However I can't shake of this feeling that something in there was waiting for me. Something that will change my life forever. On the other hand what about my job? Then all of a sudden it started to rain. Without thinking I ran straight into the park.

After running for a while I found shelter under a a gazebo. I sat down on the bench, not giving a damn for once that it was filthy. I sat there for awhile, and for the first time just thought about shit in my life as I stared at the falling drops. Thinking about all of what's happened and wondering how it did. How my life was screwed over by some rumor. Damn.

After awhile I heard the crunching of footsteps in the wet, grimy dirt road. I looked up to see a young woman. The uniform giving away that she's in high school. With (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. She just stood there obviously confused on what to do.

After a while of her just staring at me I got annoyed.

"Tch, are you going to keep standing there like an idiot or are you going to sit down?"

Levi x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now