Ch. 3 "My name"

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                                            ??? POV 


 I hear running footsteps, 

I can't see what is behind me but I keep running, 

All I was seeing was bright colors, even though it was night time, I didn't know what was happening, 

I hear the footsteps getting closer, 

"You can't run from this Cali!" I hear a voice yell, 

I hid behind a tree, my back pressed firmly against it, 

"I know your here Cali, I can smell your fear," The voice said 

I tried to calm my breathing hoping that whoever was chasing me wouldn't find me, 

When I thought they had left, 

A face appeared in front of me, the man had dark hair and green eyes, 

"Found you!" He said sinisterly 

                                  End Dream 

                                       Cali POV 

I gasped as I shot up, 

My breathing ragged and uneven, I crawled out of the bed, Elijah laid me to sleep in, I walked down the hall, into the room where he was sleeping in, 

I was at the end of the bed, I barely could see above the bed, 

I jumped up on the bed, and crawled to the other end of the bed where Elijah's head rested, 

"Elijah.." I said tapping him, 

He didn't so much as stir, 

"Elijah," I said shaking him lightly, 

His long eyelashes flutter open, 

He sees me staring down at him, he turns on the lamp, 

"Little one? what are you doing awake at.." He said looking at the clock, 

"3 AM?" He asked 

"I remembered my name.." I said 

He sat up trying to shake the sleep from himself,

"You remembered your name? what is it?" He asked 

"Cali," I said 

"Cali.. That is a lovely name," He said smiling at me, 

"But I suggest we discuss this later it is far too late for you to be awake," He said 

"Elijah?" I asked 

"Hmm?" He said 

"Can I stay with you?" I asked 

"Of course," He sais as he laid back down and opened the covers so I could get under with him, 

I laid my head on his chest as I felt him petting my head, 

"Goodnight Elijah," I whispered, 

"Goodnight Cali," He said softly 

I felt my eyelids slowly flutter shut, 

                                 Elijah POV 

I watched as Cali slowly fell asleep, 

She is different, not because of her memory loss, but because the way she smells, the fact that she has no smell, it is rather odd, 

I looked down at the small child, she was clutching my shirt with one hand, and was sucking her thumb with the other, 

Different or not I needed to help this child, keep her safe, 

I have a meeting tomorrow with the Salvatore's and Elena about Klaus, and I'm keeping her with me, 

Even though I just got the dagger removed from me by Elena a few days ago, I am still going to help them in the demise of Niklaus for killing my family, 

Cali... I looked down at her again, 

I must help her no matter the cost, I thought as I fell into sleep yet again

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