Ch. 14 "Memories"

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                                                 Third Person POV 


[Klaus and Stefan get out of a car.]

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan." Klaus said 

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked as he looked in the back seat at Cali

"I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?" Klaus said smiling also looking at Cali

"Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur." Stefan said 

"Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what make it legend." Klaus said 

                                                  Chicago Circa 1920

"Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was Prohibition. Everything was off limits then, which made everything so much fun." Klaus said 

[Stefan is in a car making out with a girl but then he drinks her blood and kills her. He gets out of the car, removes the blood from his lips, and walks down the street.]

[Stefan enters a bar and pats the doorman on the shoulder as he passes. The owner of the bar who is on stage singing sees him.]

"Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?" Gloria said

 "Save me a dance, Gloria." Stefan said 

[He's about to grab a glass of champagne but a lady takes it before he does.]

" Ooh. Please, help yourself." Stefan said 

"Oh, I always do." Rebekah said 

[She gets closer, licks his lips and whispers in his hear. She's vamped out.]

"Careful, Mr. Salvatore. You're still wearing your date. She's lovely." Rebekah said 

[She's about to leave but he grabs her arm.]

"No, no, no. Who are you?" Stefan said 

[She puts her first finger to her lips to tell him to be quiet. She walks away.]


"Chicago was magical." Klaus said smirking still looking at Cali who was now fully dressed and  curled up with a blanket

" Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it." Stefan said 

"Going to get down to business, then?" Klaus asked 

"Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" Stefan said 

" We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her." Klaus said 

[Klaus walks over to the car door which is being held open by one of his minions.]

              Chicago Circa 1920

[In the bar Gloria is singing another song. A waiter is pouring champagne on a champagne tower. Rebekah is dancing with a man but is looking at Stefan who is at the bar, drinking with his friends. She stops dancing and joins Stefan and his friends.]

"Sorry to crash the fun, boys, but some of us actually came here to hear the music. Not you." Rebekah said

 "I am so sorry, sweetheart. Are we offending you?" Stefan said 

[His friends laugh. She touches his face.]

" It would take a lot more than a baby face like this to offend me." Rebekah said 

[She's about to leave.]

"Ahem. Hey, hey. You ever going to tell me your name?" Stefan said

 "Sure. When you earn it. Now do Gloria a favor and stick a sock in it." Rebekah said 

[She goes back to the dance-floor and continues dancing with the man.]


Then went to leave but Cali was still sleeping in the back of the car. 

"What about Cali?" Stefan said 

"Don't worry she needs the rest." Klaus said smirking 

In the present day, Klaus and Stefan enter the bar. It's dim, quiet, and empty.]

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus said 

"I can't believe this place is still here." Stefan said 

"You got to be kidding me." Gloria said 

[Klaus smiles.]

"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..." Klaus said 

"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." Gloria said 
                                                     Cali POV 

My very heavy eyelids slowly flutter open. my vision was blurry at first I had to blink a few times I realized I was in the back of a car. 

I slowly sit up. 

I sniffed the air Klaus was nearby. 

I jump out of the car. 

Looks like I need to track him down. I thought as I continued sniffing him out

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