Ch. 13 "Leaving"

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Klaus POV

Stefan walks back to camp back with Ray over his shoulders. The rest of the pack are lying on the ground dead. I am there. Stefan drops Ray on the ground.

"They went rabid. Some of them, Cali killed them The others just...Bled out. In the end...They're all dead." I said

[I yell and throw the bottle of beer in my hand. I scream at the sky.]

"I did everything I was told!" I screamed
[Regaining my composure.]

" I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf. I killed a vampire. I killed the doppelgänger." I said

Stefan looks uncomfortable.

"You look like hell." I said

" Last I checked, I'm dying...and you don't want to heal me." Stefan said

I looked down at Rays body

"I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice. I failed you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to do." Stefan said

"It should have worked." I said

[I turned around and take an empty bottle of beer. I bite my hand, makes a fist, puts the blood draining from it in the bottle and hold the bottle out to Stefan.]

"Bottoms up. We're leaving. after we find Cali" I said

[Stefan takes the bottle.]

"It appears you're the only comrade I have left. Aside from little Minx" I said

[Stefan drinks the blood from the bottle and throws it aside.]

Cali POV

I hear chirping of birds, The walking of animals. I feel the sunlight on the back of my eyelids. my eyelids slowly flutter open.

It was morning. I sat up looking at the back and palm of my hand.

I am human again. I thought

I stood up only to fall back down. falling flat on my stomach groaning in pain.

I tried standing up again. almost falling again. but I caught a tree trunk. my breathing ragged and shallow.

'What is happening to me?' I thought

I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes. my body hurt so badly. I couldn't keep my balance

"How much longer?' I hear Stefan's voice

"As long as it takes. she is a child who is a rarity" I hear Klaus

"Rarity?" I hear Stefan.

"A discussion for another time I'm afraid." I hear Klaus

I shake my head.

"Klaus! Klaus!" I yelled as loud as I could muster

Next thing I know Klaus is in front of me I have no idea how he got here so fast.

Klaus shimmied off his leather jacket covering me up with it.

He was kneeling in front of me. checking me for any kind of injuries.

"Are you injured?" He asked

I shook my head no.

"Are you sure?" He asked worried

"My head just hurts.." I said

"Probably from transforming." He said picking me up.

"Come on little Minx let's get out of here and leave this god forsaking state." Klaus said

"Where are we going?' I asked

"For starters a change of clothes for you." He said

I nodded laying my head on his shoulder still exhausted from last night. feeling my heavy eyelids flutter shut.

Klaus POV

"looks like she out already." Stefan said

I nodded

"I don't blame her. transforming is one painful and exhausting process." I said

"So she's a werewolf?" Stefan asked

"Something like that." I said smirking knowing full well what she was and how rare she was

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