Chapter 7°

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Chapter 7° Self-doubt

Chapter 7° Self-doubt

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It was evening and the sun set. Amelia decided to go to one of her safe-places. It was a little place in the woods of Hogwarts, that were directly connected to the black lake. The waves rode in the surf, taking the leaves with them on their retreat to explore the vastness of the world. The horizon sank behind the highlands and hid his soul underneath the stars. The birds sag their songs and usher in the night. Lia sat leaning against a large old tree and looked into the distance. It was so limitless and yet so unfulfilled. The girl had brought her sketchbook with her and, lost in thought, was expanding a drawing the once had started. She started painting and drawing as a child. Of course, they weren't accurate or filigran back then, but it helped her to summarize her feelings and thoughts. Everything that oppressed her, but dared not to say out loud. In her childhood she often painted for Callum and had also portrayed him personally. He gave her this book a long time ago, so that she would have the opportunity to draw at any time. And despite these memories, she had never given up this passion of hers. It was too important for her to get rid of her feelings and send them away. The nook was like a diary that she kept ever since childhood. No-one ever saw her drawings. Not even Laurie, Jay or Mo. They knew about the hobby of hers, but respected her privacy and subconsciously knew, that Lia wouldn't want to show it.

Lia finished the last line on her drawing snd studied it intently. It was a young girl. She floated over the lake. Above the emptiness of the water. In the background were mountains, which just looked a little bigger than the tress, as they stood behind them. The girl wore a black dress and a hat that covered her forehead and eyebrows. Her face was frightened as tears sprang from her eyes and moistened her cheeks. She was pulled down on ropes and threatened to drown in the deep water. She tried with all her might to stay afloat., but the pain was too sharp. The temptation to just let go was too great.


Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Laurie, who stepped into her gaze. The girl wore her humble and calm smile, while she inspected Amelias view. Amelia shut her book close and looked into Lauries eyes. ,,Hey."

,,Hi, Lia. I thought I'd find you here." she greeted smiling. He knew that Lia was able to calm down here and set her thoughts and feelings free. ,,You wanted to watch the sunset, didn't you?"

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