Chapter 33°

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Chapter 33° The good times and the bad ones

Chapter 33° The good times and the bad ones

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,,I love you, Lia! I've been in love with you for years and you never noticed!"


A Silence so think and unbreakable, so close to break everything that happened in the past years into tiny little pieces and burn them in hot, gigantic flames.

The two friends now stood in one of the side entries of the courtyard, no-one else around, and looked at each other. And these looks were almost tragic. 

After a few seconds, Mo looked as if any regret and guilt would overtake him. He feared the impact his disclosure would have on their friendship and whether they would have a future at all. He hoped so. He hoped so much, because he knew that even if he didn't stand as partner and Lia's side, he would always need her and offer her a free hand and an ear. He would always want to support her, no matter what happens and what connection the two are. He wanted to help her, accompany her and have contact with her. Mo just wanted to be with Lia. 

But now all of that could be over.

Meanwhile, Amelia's thoughts were blank. She couldn't believe what Mo had revealed to her. Couldn't believe that she had never noticed that she hadn't noticed. And she suddenly felt terrible to have been such a bad friend who doesn't even understand her friend's feelings towards herself.She had always seen Molero as a best friend, a brother. Treated him like her own flesh and blood and never thought about whether he saw the same thing in her. She had just assumed and interpreted his entire behavior that way. And while a large part includes the same love, a certain part did not. A part that up to this point had never fallen on the light and that has now been given the spotlight. But the audience waited, waited for the curtain to open.

,,I-" Lia started to whisper, desperately wanting to find back her ability to speak and explain herself. ,,I had no idea."

A deep sigh escaped Mo's throat and the look in his eyes softened almost imperceptibly.

,,Mo, I didn't know that you- I didn't-" she tried again but was interrupted really quick.

He spoke slow and honest and tried to show her that he understood. ,,I know, Lia. I know that. I never wanted you to. It's not your fault. It will never be."

,,No, but I should've noticed." she argued, not wanting for him to feel bad because she couldn't open her eyes the right way and glance into reality. ,,I should've noticed."

,,It was not your job to notice."

,,Of course it was, Mo. I am supposed to be your best friend and understand you and your feelings and I- I am supposed to notice things like that and be there for you. I- I failed."

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