Chapter 28°

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Chapter 28° Everything I didn't say

Chapter 28° Everything I didn't say

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James slung his leather bag over his shoulder as he left the classroom after class and crept through the hallways of hogwarts. His day had been busy and he felt very exhausted, but there was one more thing he wanted to do today.

And so he followed the stone corridors and passed portraits of all kinds until he found himself in front of a large wooden door. One that he would otherwise never face voluntarily or consciously. The library.

Actually, James had nothing against reading in general, because he never felt the need or the will to pick up a book and immerse himself in a story that told the lives of others. He liked his life, life in general. He didn't want to run after the other, he wanted to appreciate and live out his own. Didn't want to miss anything and did everything before it was too late.

But now he was here, and for a reason. He opened the door and stepped into a room that received the smell of wood and paper from the second he hit it. This smell was not new to him, as Remus himself distributed many rooms in the marauders dorm and surrounded himself a lot with them and yet he found a warm feeling in this smell.

James strolled across the room, leaving floor-to-ceiling shelves behind and stories that he could fill a lifetime with. He went and went until he was in one of the farthest corners of the room. Because there he found what he was looking for, or rather who.

The rays of light falling through the large windows made her red hair shine and her freckles took on the tone of gold. A tender smile lay on her rosy lips as she flipped through the pages of the three books in front of her face. Her robe was still complete and always perfectly on her body and her hair hung in a loose braid at the nape of the neck, which allowed fine strands to escape, so that a shiny frame formed around her face. 

Lily Evans.

With quiet, for him unusual steps, James stepped up to the girl who did not seem to have noticed his presence. The girl whose heart belonged to him since they first met at Hogwarts Express in 1971.

And not without reason. He loved her intelligence and how she could answer any question in a matter of seconds. She was incredibly friendly to everyone and everything that came under her eyes, regardless of name, origin, house, past and possible future. Even if she learned a lot in order to be able to do a good job, she seemed to live in the here and now. She was beautiful. An appearance that James only knew from stories and old fairy tales. Lily was absolutely flawless, perfect even. And yet James was sure she was flawed, like he and everyone else. But he hadn't gotten to know her enough yet, to get to know and love these flaws as well. But he hoped this would happen someday.

,,Hello, Lily." James said in a soft voice, that rang through the air like a blanket made of velvet.

Looking up at the sudden yet calm voice, Lily's face changed from content to annoyed real fast. Whatever this boy wanted, it couldn't be good. ,,What do you want, Potter?"

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