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He always has to ruin my perfect days i swear to god

I head into my car and get ready to drive when i see him exit the shop with his suit

So the rumors are true,  he is coming

This should get fun

I head back home and open the door and see my parents sitting there

''Thanks amor'' my dad says grabbing his clothes

''Guess who i just ran into,  i swear the less i want to see him the more he bloody appears'' i say 

''Calm down, it's not like you'll have to dance with him or anything'' my mother says 

''I told him if he doesn't stop fucking about, i'll chop his head off, put it on a stick and mail it back to his house'' i say and he laughs 

''That's my girl'' he says 

''I'm going to blow off some steam'' i say and head upstairs to change and put my airpods in and walk to the basement and open the door to the gym and kick the punching bags 

I was angry, I hated seeing his face - it triggers me. 

~~~~~~~~next day ~~~~~~~~~~~

''Come on, let's go, Pomfrey is here for the lights''

''What, It's 6am mom'' i say

''Tough luck, now get up'' she says and i groan and quickly get changed and then walk downstairs

''Ah lovely, you are here - the guy i told you to meet yesterday delivered the drapings this morning- now all is left is music, decorations, lights and food'' she says 

''I'm dealing with the food'' my mum says and my dad gets me a cup of coffee

''Okay, lights - i want a chandelier in the middle, it's tradition for the room to be goldenish so we're not changing the color, but i feel like the blue drapings with clash with the golden color'' i say

''Don't be silly, did you see melissa last year she had bright neon, blue is royal anyway'' my mum says and i laugh 

''Decorations, i say we do little bouquets of blue roses in the middle of the tables with all shades of blue'' i say

''Not bad darling'' my mum says 

''Okay, so lights, decor, tables, food, what about music'' she says

''We'll just find a playlist, i'll come up with one- spotify isn't expensive'' i say and they laugh 

Wasn't that funny but okay

''Right, i'll call up my florist to get the bouquets, the rest of the stuff is in so we will get started straight away, i need to order the chandelier but the rest of the lights should work, we'll get all the tables out and draped. What have you done with food natalie (mum)'' 

''I've ordered a bunch of things, sea food, veg, non - veg, alcohol, non alcoholic drinks, a strict no under 16s allowed, what the hell are they gonna do at the ball and a bunch of crabs and lobsters- i also have the waiters sorted out'' 

''Great, we need to get the food in the day of the ball, you also need to order deserts'' she said

''That is arranged i have cakes, macrons everything'' she says 

''Great, What's next'' 

''Nothing, i will call you in next week to see if theres anything you do not like, have a nice one darling'' she says and leaves 

This sounds...fun

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