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My hands began to shake and i looked around for the light switch and when i finally managed to turn it on my heart sank to the floor as i saw what happened to him

Quickly, i locked the door and ran towards him, cupping his face in my hands and he smiled faintly, his teeth all bloody

''Hey babe'' he said and i began crying and i saw how weak he was

It looked like he had been starved for weeks, living on nothing but water.

His body had been covered in huge bruises like he had been beaten every night and his face had been almost beaten in and swollen

''Oh my god i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry, im sorry'' i say crying harder and harder grabbing his head and kissing it and felt his pulse...nothing

I grabbed my phone and just sat there

Who the hell do i call?

what do i even do? He's dead

''Ryder'' he whispered and my eyes lit up and i called Ryder

''Hey long time no see where you been'' he said answering

''Are you still in italy?'' i ask him

''Yeah why''

''Drive to the back of my house, make sure no one sees you if they do drive as fast and far as you can call me when you get here bring a first aid kit and come fast please'' i said and hung up and saw his hands had been tied behind his back

I don't have long before they know i'm not in my room

I lifted Ace, desperately trying to get his arms around my neck and quietly opened the door and took him towards the end where there was the bathroom and opened the window and climbed him out of it and i climbed out too and just then Ryder called me back

''I'm here, hurry your guards are on there way here'' he said

''I see you, open the back door'' i said and i saw Mariana in the back and she grabbed Ace and i sat in the front

''Go'' i said and he sped off

''Oh my god i thought he was dead''

''Me too, i just got back in italy, they told me he was dead, i need to treat him he's gonna die, he's seriously malnutritioned''

''We just got a new place, let's go it's not far''

''Make sure he stays awake please'' i said and they pulled into the drive way of their house and Ryder helped get Ace out and i ran in after him and he took him to a bed and gave me a first aid kit

''Put the heater on and i need fresh clothes and lots of anit biotics'' i said and she nodded and i got onto cleaning ace's face and his body and it just seemed to get worser and worser as i cleaned him and the harder i cried

''Why, god please why?'' i cried

He wasn't waking up

''You're gonna have to leave him, he'll wake up on his own, he's safe here no one knows about this place'' mariana says and i head downstairs and she gives me a hot chocolate and i wipe my tears

''Nice to see you though'' she says

''I'm sorry i just left you guys'' i said

''It's okay the other guys are still around, we all meet up me and Ryder are actually engaged'' she said showing me her ring

''Oh my god congratulations''

''Wait you're engaged to who? Ace''

''No, russian mafias son, Elijah'' i said and her eyed widened

''No wonder they almost killed him, no one had seen Ace neither did he answer his phone, his father called an emergency one that him and Ace knew about and he didn't answer so we all assumed he was dead, Ace's father was devestated'' she said

''What do you mean was'' i ask

''They killed him and now i'm assuming in front of Ace otherwise why would he still be alive'' she said and i cried harder and she comforted me

''HE'S AWAKE'' Ryder yells and i shoot upstairs into the room and he lays there, his eyes awake getting used to the light and tears run down his face

''Hey hey shh, i'm here'' i say hugging him

''We'll leave you two'' Ryder says and leaves and i get a seat and sit next to him

''I'm sorry, i am so sorry'' i said and he cries too, his face absolutely breaking my heart

''It's okay, it's okay'' he whispers

''We're gonna go far away okay, far away form here - i'm gonna call the helicopter and we're gonna go some place they'll never find us'' i say and he nods

''We're gonna go tonight okay baby, and they'll never find us okay i love you'' i say and he kisses my hand and i sit him up and i begin to feed him some soup and he tries to speak but nothing comes out

''Shh, don't talk'' i say, tears flowing down my face, my hands shaky and he smiles weakly and after he was done eating, i get him to sleep and call the pilot (Adam) for the helicopter

''Where are you, your dads looking for you''

''Can you take me somewhere, don't tell dad'' i said to adam

''You're lucky, i just got off, he's fired half of the staff - i can come to the other helipad by the tower in about 15 minutes, can you make it'' he says

''Got it, i'll be there'' i said and hang up

''RYDER'' i say

''Last favor, can you take us somewhere, after that i'll be out of your head'' i said and he nods and puts Ace over his shoulder and places him in the car

''Take care, call me okay'' Mariana says and i nod and we take off, me stroking the back of his head and we reach the helipad and Adam takes Ace into the back of the helicopter, his face absolutely horrified

''Where are we going'' he asks

''Bali'' i say

''Ready for take off, i picked you up some food'' he says and i thank him and i kiss Ace's head

''Go sleep'' i said


Almost fifteen hours later we had landed into Bali and i helped Ace get into a hut and get him into bed and fed him some food and changed his bandages and iced his face including his body to help with the swelling

''Thank you'' he whispered

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