Arc 3.2 - Luther Abravel

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Luther Abravel is a character who has gone through horrendous training to never show any emotions towards himself and to others, his training was to serve his empire in the army, to put his life on the line and die for the Avrailum Kingdom... and his personal mission was to find and murder those that were responsible for the death of his family.

Since the moment of his birth, the village he was raised in deemed him as cursed.

He came out of the womb with purest silver white hair, in a Kingdom who only bred dark coloured hair, this was a unique case. The only other Kingdom out of the 4 powerful empires who bred those with light coloured hairs were the Irvine Kingdom. But even then, there were none who had seen such white hair on a newborn other than on an elder. Both Luthers parents and older sister had shades of dark brown hair, so to see the youngest child as an odd one out spread a seed of doubt in people's minds. Especially in a small direly impoverished village like Luther's, they were afraid of the unknown. In their ignorance they shunned him and his family, believing that the newborn must be cursed and that the family had somehow done a huge misdeed to incite such a misfortune.

His family was already poor, so facing such discrimination for giving birth to such a freak almost destroyed them. His father's income became lower and his mother was always cursed at, called an unfaithful adulteress... etc. His older sister faced no better. All of their friends never looked at them again, much less help them in their time of need.

They even got kicked out of their house, forcing them to seek refuge with their relatives. However their relatives turned out to be even more heartless, they forced them out onto the streets after promising them open doors since the first child's birth. But the moment they heard the villagers singing on about the cursed child they closed the doors on their faces.

They had to move to the outskirts of their impoverished village, build their own home from scratch, and start a new farm to get a source of income even if it was bare. It took their blood, sweat, and tears but they managed to survive, keep their daughter in good health and keep their son safe. His father never even once considered his wife being unfaithful, he trusted he and stayed with her.

His father never gave him love (or some really strict, hard love) as he grew up, he only always blamed the child for their hardships. He never talked to Luther much nor did he show him much attention. His mother and older sister, however loved him wholeheartedly, taking care of him, teaching him, and keeping him away from the villagers the best they could. They thought of Luther's white hair as beauty, and kept his white hair long. They always scolded Luther whenever he attempted to cut it off. Each day his sister braided parts of his hair with a gentle grip, it was his clearest memory of his sister.

It wasn't the best life but it was enough for Luther as long as he had his family.

His life was going fine even with the discrimination, fear, and hate he got from the other villagers... that is, until savage bandits came and raided the village.

They beat everyone, stole all of their food and wealth, then killed all of the men in the village and took the women. They set fire and destruction to all of the buildings they raided. Parading about in the chaos.

His mother and sister hid him under the bed when the bandits barged into their broken home and took the mother and sister. They relentlessly resisted so much that the thieves holding onto them got angry and hit them until they passed out. The original saw the whole thing and was in horror as he saw his mother bleed out on the dirt road from the open door of their small one room house. Then the house his family worked so hard to build crumbled down from the attacks of the raid.

He was lucid and dazed when the soldiers came. They found him under the rubble and brought him back to their camp.

As it turns out, Luther was the only survivor. A survivor who held potential within the depth of his eyes. Seeing this, the commander put Luther in recruitment and watched him grow.

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