Arc 1.19 - Alex McGuire

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It was sunrise and Eric left for work. He made sure all security measurements had accepted Alex's data (handprint, voice recognition...etc) and that he was given a spare key and the passwords for the apartment before he left so to make sure Alex didn't have to break in all the time.

Alex had the whole day free after coming back from Shalanda. He was supposed to rest but after a lazying around for a few hours in Eric's apartment he decided to give Matthew a visit/interrogation. It was about time for him to lower some of the incomplete % from the Hidden Quest.

Alex indifferently walked into the building. Many people made way for him and watched him him go into the private elevator. They all gossiped about this recently known advisor that rarely showed his face around the company. He's quite a popular model, so his face could still be recognized even without being known as a founder of Roland Enterprises.

It was around lunchtime, so Matthew had just finished a portion of his paper work when Alex walked into his office and plopped down onto his black leather sofa.

"What the fuck! Why the hell weren't you answering any of my calls!?"

"You were calling? Oops."

Matthew sighed and pressed on the bridge of his nose.

"Do you even know how worried I was? I even tried Amelia, she didn't pick up either. I didn't know if you were dead or alive for the past four weeks!"

"Wow~! The most tyrannical CEO in the country couldn't find out wether or not his best friend was dead or alive in another country? Shocking!"

"I'm serious. I knew you were in Shalanda. But I couldn't find you anywhere or gather any info on why you went there!"

"It's just a few weeks. We've survived without each other for half a year you know~ I didn't think you'd be so attached."

Matthew deadpanned at Alex's charades at bending the context.

"Ok look. I'm sorry," seeing as Matthew was giving him suspicious dirty looks, he got off the sofa and went up to him face to face.

"Really! I am. My phone completely smashed after accidentally having it slip out of my fingers down more 40 stories. Even the SIM card couldn't be recovered. So I had to get everything completely replaced." He took out his new phone as proof. "This is my only excuse. As for why you couldn't find me?" Alex smirked, "I have no idea."

"Fine. I'll take that as the truth for the time being. When did you come back?"

"Just last night."

"And why did you go there?"

"Vacation," he chuckled "Why else? Well, actually, maybe a bit of sprinkling and dabbling my work outside by doing a little modelling out there. That's all-"

"Then why didn't you contact me? Anything would've done."

"Hmm... Let's just say that your best friend here doesn't exactly remember your phone number or email by heart." Alex gave Matthew a wink while sliding his phone towards him on the desk "And he would appreciate your phone number to be given to him once again."

"Some 'best friend' you are. Stop referring to yourself in third person, it's creepy." Matthew shook his head as he inputted his info and a smiling selfie on a new contact file in Alex's phone.

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