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"Happy Birthday!" Their voices rang out like a melody across the lakeside as a chorus of laughter followed shortly behind. The group sat at a large picnic table next to the beach, a large forest sat behind them as the evening was just starting to move into its apex, small tints of orange covering the sky as the humming of pests like mosquitoes and flies were all encompassing.

Y/N smiled and blew out the candles, the fire on the hard wax quickly becoming extinguished with the blow of air. A choir of cheers followed as Y/N smiled up at them. "So? How old are you?" Bad asked, knowing full well the child's age. He had come along to the birthday party as one of the chaperones. Y/N giggled as they showed five fingers, a large smile was printed across the young child's face, at the time one of Y/N's front teeth had fallen out, she had gone over to Tommy's house and he helped them yank their tooth out with string and a door. It went surprisingly well if you ignored the blood leaking from their mouth.

"Thats a big number!" Bad cheered giving them a high five. Tommy ran up to Y/N with a large smile on his face, "Come on! Open my present first!" He giggled manically as if he was a cartoon villain. Y/N nodded and everyone grouped around the table, excited to see the presents being opened. Y/N gently unwrapped the paper not wanting to waste it, they usually wouldn't mind but the paper was custom made, it had small drawings Tommy had drawn on it and they didn't want to waste them, in fact Y/N viewed the drawing as a present in itself. "Oh come on! Quit being so slow!" Tommy whined as he watched his cousin unwrap his present. "But you made a drawing! I don't wanna waste it..." Y/N expressed looking up at the boy.

As They gently removed the last bit of paper Y/N smiled as they saw a small wooden contraption, no doubt one of Philzas many toys he had created for the boys. "Woah...what does it do?" They asked eyeing the toy. Tommys chuckled and took hold of the toy, turning it upside down, as Tommy flipped the switch it was like the toy came to life, shifting mechanically into a wooden butterfly, flapping its wings and hovering off the ground. Y/N's eyes lit up and they gently took the butterfly into their hands, "Thank you so much!" Their smile was large and happy as they looked at Phil and Tommy, It also counted as a present from Wilbur. They were all one big family.

Tubbo smiled and gently placed a bag on the table, it had sparkly parchment paper brimming from the top. Y/N lifted the paper from the bag, the cheap glitter from the paper sticking to their hands, Techno sighed, that would get everywhere. Y/N gently opened the card, it had pre-made writing on it, a classic happy birthday message, below it read a small passage that Tubbo had written "Happy B-dai Tubbo" It wasn't exactly surprising that he had misspelled the message, he was only five after all.

Y/N lifted a large plush from out of the bag, it was at least double the young child's size, it was a deer with small little antlers and sleepy eyes. "TUBBO!" Y/N cheered, hugging the boy. "I love it so much! Thank you!" They smiled.

They continued to open presents, most being normal things you would expect, toys, clothes, school supplies, the classics. However Y/N suddenly arrived at the last present, the one from their father. Y/N once more took off the wrapping paper and was shocked to find A small golden crown, it was encrusted with all the jewels you could possibly imagine, but most importantly was the small jewel in the middle, it was A sardonyx. The birthstone of August.

Y/N looked up at their father with joy in their eyes, they hopped off the table and rocketed straight into his arms, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU-" Their cheers kept on going and going as if a waterfall of appreciation was pouring from their mouth. Techno chuckled and spun them in his arms like they weighed nothing.

As the party concluded the duo began to walk home, they decided to take a route along the beach. Y/N sleepily sat atop Technos head as birds chirped. Techno had a wheelbarrow behind him filled with the presents, well the presents that Y/N didn't insist on carrying themself. As Y/N peered out at the large lake they frowned.

A realization had hit them, a realization that should have come earlier. Y/N was old enough that they would be attending the local school soon. Y/N was excited, or they thought they were. But it suddenly dawned on the five year old that their father wouldn't be there, their dogs wouldn't be there, not uncle Phil or Miss Puffy. There would be no adults they were familiar with. This scared them.

Techno felt their tiny hands begin to grip harder onto his shoulders and looked up at the child with a concerned look on his face, "Kid. What's wrong?" He asked in a monotone voice. Y/N looked out at the lake as the water moved in and out along with the tide. "I don't wanna go..." They murmured, pressing their face into their fathers cape fluff. Techno gave them a confused glance, "Don't wanna go where?" Techno asked, a tad worried about his child's sadness. "To school. I wanna stay home with you and and the pets, I wanna help feed Steve and cuddle with lealaps." They murmured keeping their head firmly in their father's cape fluff.

Techno frowned and took them off his shoulders, shifting his arms so that they sat comfortably against his chest while he propped them up with his hand. "Schools gonna be fun, I promise." Techno lied through his teeth, he hoped the kid would have fun but he couldn't guarantee. The school was very fair and he had heard from the other parents that they didn't give special treatment to any child no matter who their parents were. As nice as that was, Techno couldn't help but be a bit saddened that Y/N wouldn't get extra attention from the staff, no matter how selfish it sounded.

"How do you know?" Y/N looked up at their father, removing their head from his chest. Technos eyes widened as he saw the small tears that ran down the young child's cheeks, nobody should be sad on their birthday. "Alright kid, you want me to tell you the truth." Techno didn't want to sugar coat it, he had always been honest with Y/N and he wasn't going to start fibbing now. Y/N nodded and choked on their breath, not fully recovering from their cry.

"I'm not sure." Techno sighed, Y/N looked up at their father with a surprised look, the kid may have been five but they knew that wasn't the normal response, they were expecting a 'don't worry it will be fine!' type answer, not this.

"I don't know everything kid, nobody does. Not the gods that roam in the skies or the creatures that skulk in the great below. Nobody has all the answers, but what I can tell you is that it's going to be bad if you think it's gonna be bad. Making a self fulfilling prophecy won't help anyone. What you need to do is think to yourself, 'What would make school fun?' and do it." Techno spoke.

Y/N thought for a moment, they thought hard. "But what if it goes wrong?" They asked. Techno looked down at them with a gentle smile, the type of smile only given to Y/N. "Then you call me, I'll make sure it goes right." Techno laughed. Y/N smiled, they buried their head into their fathers chest once more, but it wasn't from fear or sadness. They were just tired, and as their eyes closed their birthday ended, and they were ready for a new adventure.

And so it begins... yeah, just a warning, uh- this book is gonna get real sad, or at least that's my plan.


𝐏𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 [TRIBUTE]Where stories live. Discover now