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"Rosie wait!"

"No! Go away Jackson, I don't wanna talk to you!" She runs away with all her strength.

"For fucks sake Rose just fucking stop." I hold her wrist and spin her around to face me. I lock my hands on both her wrists in a death grip. I don't have the stamina to run after her if she escapes again.

"What do you want? Wasn't kissing that stupid cheerleader enough for you?" She retorts.

"I was not kissing her Rosie, she came on to me. TRUST ME! I would never cheat on you, I love you!"

"I stood there for one whole minute, Jackson. I didn't see you pushing her away." She whispers looking at me with those teary orbs that convey emotions way deeper than it intends to.

"I froze. I-I didn't know what was happening, i-it took me a minute to realise she was actually kissing me, Rosie. I-I never expected something like this from her. W-We were really good friends." I say and I wasn't lying at all. Brittany and I were indeed good friends. She was the only one in the entire cheerleading squad that wasn't a bitch. But unfortunately, I've lost the prerogative to be a judge of character of any sort. Brittany turned out to be conniving, she knew I was head over heels in love with Rosie yet she pulled a stunt like that.

"That's stupid. The whole school knows that she's trying to sleep with you. I've told you a thousand times that she's trying to get into your pants but you always shrugged my concerns off. Now, look what happened!" She pants heavily. Her face is red and wet with hot tears and her nose is running. I've seen Rosie cry, but I've never seen her this broken.

"I thought I'll never have to come across something like this, Jackson. I never thought you'd cheat on me."

"I didn't fucking cheat on you! SHE CAME OVER TO ME!"


"......I'm sorry," I whisper, utterly devastated.

"They were right." She shakes her head looking at the floor.

"They were so right." She chuckles dryly.

"Right about what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"A girl like me can never keep a guy as good looking as you for long, you'll end up with a hot, sexy cheerleader anyway." She looks at me through her lashes. The tiny grain of patience that was left in me has disappeared into thin air. My vision went red and all I could feel was extreme angst. I grab her roughly by her waist and pull her flush against my body.

"You say that one more time, Rosie. I dare you." I say through gritted teeth.

"You don't know how lucky I am to have you, woman! I might look fine but I'm messed up right here." I point to my temple.

"There's no other girl in this world who can keep up with my crap but you. You know me like the back of your hand. You know me inside out. You know me more than I know myself and yet you accuse me of things like this? No girl would wanna stick with me even for a week, be it Brittany or someone else. Once they get to know me, they'll avoid me like a plague. You know my family history, you know the trauma I've been through, you know every crap in my life that if anyone else knew about it, they'd run away from me for their dear life. But stuck with me through thick and thin. And now you're telling me, that I'd let go of that one person, who believes in me way more than I believe in myself? I didn't kiss Brittany back. I didn't like one bit of it. I froze when she kissed me, everything just went blank. I'm sorry I didn't do anything Rosie, I really am. But I would never, in my right senses, cheat on you. I'd rather die than lead a life where I'd intentionally harm my little princess." I cup her cheek and ardently kiss her lips. The lips that stole my first kiss, and hopefully the last.

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