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"How is it?" Rosie asks with a bright smile as I take a bite of the chocolate chip cookie she made.

"It's amazing." I lie through my teeth as I grind the stone cookie in my mouth.

I hope she does not give this to anyone else in the school cafeteria.

"Really? Do you like it? I have worked so hard in this, you know? Normally, baking isn't my thing but I can't believe I totally aced this!" She rants as I was mourning over my deceased premolar.

"I wanted you to be the first person in school to taste it. I would've tasted this myself, but my braces make it hard for me to bite the cookie. But a small piece won't hurt right?" She says while reaching out for the cookie in my hand.

"Ohh no no-" I say as I toss the whole cookie into my mouth.

It's been a while since I paid a visit to the dentist.

"Awww it's that good?" She asks with amusement. I nod my head with the mouthful of cookie, trying my best to break it down in my mouth. I'd rather have all my teeth broken than have Rosie upset over her failed attempt in baking the most basic cookie.

"Hey, guys- oh a cookie!" Ronny says as he casually picks up a cookie from the Tupperware Rosie brought.

"Fucking shit! Where'd you buy this dirt? Ugh God, I guess I'm gonna throw up." That son of a bitch blabbers while spitting out the cookie, completely oblivious to the crushed, astounded and despondent Rosie. Since my mouth was still filled with the awful cookie, I could not intervene for damage control, so instead, I went around the table and smacked Ronny at the back of his head.

"Ow! Why'd you do that bitch?" He shrieks.

"The cookie is not good?" Rosie asks softly with a broken heart. Ronny looks at her, still oblivious to the whole scenario.

"This piece of crap is anything but a cookie-" He was interrupted when I covered his mouth with my hand, muffling his voice. Rosie started tearing up whilst closing the Tupperware with its lid and storming out of the cafeteria.

"Rohee," I say through muffled voices since the stupid cookie fails to break down in my mouth. I rush to a nearby dustbin to spit it out and spring towards Rosie.

"Baby," I say as I grab her elbow and turn her around. She looks down, hugging the Tupperware close to her chest.

"Why did everyone lie?" She says with her breaking voice.

"Everyone? Who else tasted your cookie?"

"Mommy and daddy. I can't believe they lied on my face." She sniffles.

"Sweetheart, it was because they didn't want you to feel bad. I didn't want you to feel bad."

"But if they hadn't lied, then I wouldn't have brought these to school and made a fool out of myself in front of everyone." I pull her close to me and wipe her tears with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Why did they let you bring it to school then?" I wondered.

"They don't know that I brought it to school." She says sadly.

"How bad is it?" She mutters whilst taking off the lid to grab a cookie. I take it from her and break a small piece from it.

"It's gonna be difficult to take a big bite with those braces." I say as I feed her the tiny piece.

Unforgotten Memories Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora