The One and Only: Mrs.Jaeger

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(slight flash/nausea warning for video above)

The after party is grand, to say the least. People from far and wide fill the ceremony hall. The celebration even pours into the field outside. 

You make a beeline for the snacks table, not wanting to engage in any conversation with the people around you. 


You let out a huff, slowly turning to face a tall lady behind you. You instantly recognize her as the Baroness McFord. A woman too wealthy for her own good. 

"Or should I say Mrs.Jaeger?" She giggles, her fur boa tumbling over her shoulders as she attempts to keep her wine glass upright. How this woman had managed to get drunk in the first five minutes of the after party was beyond you. 

You force a smile, which turns more so into a grimace. "Just A/n is fine." You mutter bitterly. 

The Baroness giggles, taking another sip of her drink before looking around. "Now where ever is that husband of yours? I want to get a picture of the two of you for my photo album!" 

You frown. "Well he left so..." 

McFord gasps dramatically, drawing the attention of a few nearby guests. "Is that so? Well wherever is the young lad?" She takes another aggressive swig of wine. 

You shrug. "He didn't say." 

"How rude!" McFord exclaims, swinging her glass around to emphasize her point. "Well surely he'll turn up sooner or later. That lad is missing his cake if you know what I mean." She grins suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows at you and you have to resist the urge to barf. 

Thankfully the lady gets distracted by a waitress offering her more wine, giving you the chance to slip away. 

No one else seems to bother you so you make your way to the corner of the room where the snacks are. After leaving the church Eren had told you he had some "things to take care of" and then left. 

It surprised you how being legally married hardly changed anything. You were still near strangers, brought together through a strange set of events. You didn't know what you had expected, but it was still just a weird feeling. 

"Why if it isn't Mrs.Jaeger." 

You turn around quickly, startled as a tall man appear from behind the pillars. You recognize him as one of the eldians who'd left the church during the ceremony earlier. 

"I'm Flotch, a friend of Eren Jaeger's." The man offers you a sickening grin, sending chills up your spine. Something about this man made your instincts tell you to run.

You have half the mind to follow that instinct. 

"A pleasure to meet you." You smile, forcing your nerves back down. 

He chuckles, leaning back casually against the snack table. "Tell me, Mrs.Jaeger, how do you feel about marrying an eldian?" 

You freeze. Something about his tone was dangerous, challenging. "Pardon?" 

"You heard me." Flotch mutters, taking a bite of celery and dipping it back into the hummus, bitten side down into the dip bowl and leaving it there. You eye it in disgust. 

"I do not see how that's an issue, I am simply doing what's best for my country." You mutter, you voice growing softer. 

Flotch shrugs. His eyes narrow in on something behind you. You turn around to see what he's looking at but he snatches your hand, pulling you toward the side door. "I need you to come with me." Flotch demands, his voice quiet yet urgent. 

"What?" You squawk, trying to yank your hand from his fist, to no avail. "The party is in here, I'm not going anywhere-" 

"Eren's request." Flotch hisses, yanking you down a narrow side hallway. You try to resist but the man is far bigger and stronger than you, not to mention it is hard to do much in heels. 

"Then why didn't he come to tell me himself!" You snap, clawing at Flotch's fist with your other hand to try and make him let go. 

"Stop squirming!" Flotch hisses, you yelp as his flings you forward. Finally releasing you as you fall to the ground. You hiss at the impact, you look down at your hands to see scrapes and a couple drops of blood. 


"Just because Eren has a soft spot for you, doesn't mean I do." Flotch growls, glaring down at you. "You're still a filthy Marleyan and if you know what's good for you you'll shut the hell up and listen to me." 

You close your mouth, glaring at the man. He is armed, with a rifle slung against his back, so there isn't much point in resisting. You slowly pick yourself up, hissing in pain at a bruise now forming where your hip hit the concrete floor. 

You hesitantly continue down the hallway in the direction Flotch had been dragging you and this time he decides to leave his hands off you, instead following behind a few paces. You keep your hands clutched together in front of you, attempting to sooth the pain tingling across your palms and in your fingers. 

Something is off here. Since Eren disappeared earlier at the church, you'd had an eerie feeling about it. And now, Flotch wouldn't stop  glancing behind him every now and then. Was he afraid you were being followed? By whom? Why? Where was he even taking you and where was Eren? 

Eventually you and Flotch reach a door, looking like it leads to the outside. You stop to turn back to see the man rummaging through his bag. 

"What is going on?" You ask softly, eyeing his hands in his bag untrustingly. 

Flotch simply chuckles darkly in response, continuing his search. "Are you really that naive, Mrs.Jaeger?" He smirks slightly, you feel yourself shrink back into the door. 

"E-Eren promised me no one would get hurt." You protest softly. Images of Eren flash through your brain, him at the alter, his cheeky smile, his emerald eyes, his soft lips... All so sweet, all so perfect, and yet...

The man in front of you finally removes an object from his bag. Your eyes widen as you recognise it. A tranquilizer gun. You back into the wall behind you heart racing.

BOOM! You feel the building shake, and not by any human force. 

Flotch smirks, aiming the dart gun toward you. "And you really thought you could trust him?" 

Screaming is the last thing you hear, before the world goes dark.

Well that got intense (evil chuckle). :3

I am thinking about starting a new book (and continuing this one and my other one, dw!). Check my conversations wall for details and let me know what you think! 

Destine to be His (Eren Jaeger x reader)Where stories live. Discover now