Married Things

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"I have a question..." 

The tall titan shifter stares down at you, slightly intrigued that you just said the longest sentence you have since arriving at camp. "Mhmm?" He hums , watching you curiously. 

You blush, wringing your fingers slightly. "Well... most people who keep other people... around want something from them." You start off slowly, unsure of how to ask this without making the conversation anymore awkward than it is already. Awkward for you at least, Eren seems completely unaffected. 

"Yes." Eren agrees simply, watching you with one quirked brow.

You gulp once more before sticking your neck out onto the chopping block with your next words. "And we're... married..." You mutter softly, watching Eren's face carefully for a reaction. For him to deny it and shoot you down right then and there, or even worse, to laugh at you. 

But instead he does neither. 

Eren nods solemly once more, his face giving nothing away but it still relieves you that he didn't shoot you down, so you creep out further onto the thin ice you know you are standing on. One wrong word and all of the Founding Titan's rage will be on you, but you trust that will not happen, you trust Eren that much at least. But that does little to calm your nerves.

You gulp. "... and there are certain things married people do together..." You mumble, cringing at your own words.

The two of you pause in front of your tent. Eren pulls aside the tent flap for you and you hesitate before stepping inside. You feel Eren's tall presence loom over you as he follows you inside and you gulp. 

"Are you saying there are certain married things you want to do together?" Eren smirks, flopping onto the bed carelessly, his dark gaze remained on you with a devious glint gleaming in his emerald eyes. It makes your blood warm pleasantly but that is the least of your concern. 

You stare at Eren wide eyed, taking in the way he lays with his arm lazily propped behind his head, his legs spread and his body splayed carelessly as those emerald eyes practically undress you from across the room. You bite your lip, shifting nervously. Was he serious? 

Eren stares back at you for a moment, the tension thick enough to be cut with a knife. 

"You should see your face right now!" Eren laughs loudly, but his tone remains warm, not teasing, and you blush. He sits up quickly, resting his elbows against his knees as he grins at you. And at this moment the feared titan shifter, and your husband, reminds you far more of a playful child than a genocidal maniac. "I'm just joking birdie." Eren chuckles, and you feel your face flush, slightly embraced by your assumption that he intended to bed you

Eren gestures for you to come closer and his eyes soften. "C'mere birdie." He mutters, returning to his normal, stoic persona. Eren gently takes your forearm and pulls you into his lap. 

Panic flares inside you for a moment at the gesture. "I-I thought you said-" 

"I just want to cuddle..." Eren murmurs softly. His arms gently snake around you waist as he stares up into your eyes from his seated position and you feel your breath hitch. "Is that okay, y/n?" 


Eren used your real name, and by that you can tell he's serious. You feel your heart speed up a little at the realization. Eren is not messing around here, you are not his toy... he's being sincere. 

"Yeah..." You breath, letting him pull you into his lap. Eren's touch is comfortingly warm as always and he smells of ash and fire, but it doesn't bother you, to you, it is home. 

The two of you sit in a comforting silence for a moment. The air silent but for the soft chirping of crickets.

You feel Eren take a deep breath before he speaks. His voice is soft this time, innocent, as though he'd come from a different world entirely, beyond this war. "It's because of my mother." Eren whispers softly. 

You pause, listening carefully to his soft confession in the night. 

Eren pulls you closer before continuing. "Before she met my father, she worked at a local bar... Not the best job I suppose, but it did earn decent pay, and she was able to keep her pockets from being empty." Eren gently strokes your back, soothing himself as much as you. "But the worst part of her job, she told me, was the men." Eren's tone darkens and you can feel his face contort into sneer against your shoulder. "Most of the customers were fine, but there were a few men who just felt so entitled to her. Making nasty comments, catcalls, even trying to grab her..." Eren sighs. "She told me that if I ever became like that, she'd woop me into tomorrow land." 

His tone drops at the end and you can tell he misses her. You feel pity pool in your heart and you pull Eren closer, like maybe for once, you'd be the one to protect him from this cruel world. 

Eren lifts his head after a moment to meet your gaze. His eyes are soft and misty with tears but they focus on you. Eren gently cups your cheek, looking into your eyes like you are the most precious thing in the world to him and you feel your heart melt. "That is why I won't do those things to you." He whispers softly before pressing a gentle kiss to your soft and supple cheek. 

You curl up tighter into Eren's arms, letting his warmth engulf you. Despite your torn up past and all that's happened, for once in your life, you feel safe, you feel warm, like you finally do truly belong. 

You nestle your face into Eren's shoulder, inhaling a deep breath of his foresty scent, and one thought occurs to you. 

Perhaps you really are...

...destine to be his.



Oh no, did you think that was the end of the story? Can't get rid of me that easily! MWAHAHAHA!!!

If you want more info on when I'm trying to have my updates be, check my profile cuz I can't exactly pop out a new chapter every time there's a change in schedule about why I CAN'T pop out a chapter, if ya know what I mean. ;) 

Anyway, thank you so much for 7.1k! I love reading your comments so much too, they crack me up! Take care!

-author ;) 

Destine to be His (Eren Jaeger x reader)Where stories live. Discover now