18 Unrequited

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From the base of her neck to the arch of her eyelids her beauty made a slave of me.

— Adonis

"Thank you for inviting me over for lunch."

"Thank you for coming, Banafsha."

Larmina greets his wife with a hug and kisses on both cheeks. He stands behind Banafsha as she and Larmina make introductions. The weather today is again stormy and insane, the angry clouds rumbling constantly can be heard even from the inside of his sister's house.

"We're celebrating the new addition to the family," Larmina says, cheerful. "I asked Mikael to bring over the girl he cannot stop talking about."

He feels his face flush as Banafsha glances at him with a secret smile. Mikael throws a warning look at Larmina which she ignores.

"He told me about your son," Banafsha mentions politely. "I've got him a little gift."

She hands Larmina the gift bag she has brought with herself and Larmina thanks her. She leads them inside the house into the living room and they settle on the couch.

"Hurairah and Zimal have went to the market to fetch some things," Larmina tells them.

"Sangeen and Qutub?" Mikael asks.

"Sangeen is sleeping. Qutub is around." Larmina stands up and directs to Banafsha. "There's still time in lunch. Can I get you something to eat or drink?"


"Coming." She smiles before turning to Mikael. "And you, brother?"


Larmina excuses herself and they're left alone. Banafsha looks at him.

"Sangeen and Qutub? Your sister has two children?"

He chuckles lightly at her. "Qutub is our cat."


The sound of front door opening and closing gets their attention before Zimal comes rushing into the living room.


She leaps at him and he's quick to catch her in his arms, getting worried at her exhausting herself because of her condition.

"How many times do I tell you not to run like this, khwagy? You can get hurt, God forbid," he instructs, his tone gentle but reprimanding.

"Afsha!" Zimal grins at Banafsha, suddenly everything forgotten in her excitement of seeing their guest, not meek as the last time she was in the hospital.

Banafsha smiles as she reaches for her hand and Zimal steps closer to her. "How are you, angel?"

"I'm good. Baba told us you were coming."

"Ah, so were you looking forward to seeing me?"

"I was! I'm happy because baba said we could hang out together," Zimal rambles.

"That would be lovely," she agrees kindly.

Someone clears their throat and they look up to find Hurairah watching them, an amused expression glinting in his eyes.

"Doctor," Mikael introduces them, "this is Hurairah, my brother in law. And Hurairah, this is--"

"I know who she is," he interjects with a lopsided smile. "Nice to finally meet you, Banafsha. We welcome you to our home."

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