19 Something

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Part broken part whole, you begin again.

Jeanette Winterson

"I hope your flight was good."

"It was comfortable."

"How do you like it here?"

"It's fine, but not like home."

Banafsha watches her brothers talking and silently passes Mughis a cup of tea. She fills one for herself and Zoraiz stops her before she could fill one for him too.

"I won't take, thank you," he refuses.

Banafsha picks her cup and sits on the opposite couch. Zoraiz has already filled himself with multiple cigarettes before Mughis's visit in an attempt to settle his nerves, so his appetite is probably dead now. But in the dreadful expectations of what is to come, she doesn't know how she can rest her own jitters.

"I'm seeing you after long, Zoraiz," Mughis says as he studies him keenly. "You look different. Have you been exhausting yourself? I think you've grown weaker."

"What can I say? I've been traveling. It's tiring sometimes but the places I go to are worth it," Zoraiz replies.

"Well, you could've gotten an infection or something from somewhere. You look sick to me. Don't be so careless about your health."

"You're right, lala. I've just been a bit tight on time." Zoraiz offers him the treats with tea. "Help yourself, please."

"Thank you."

Banafsha quietly sips her tea, not bothering taking part in their conversation. She knows once she opens her mouth to speak on the affair of why Mughis is here, the environment won't be so casual anymore.

"You could've stayed with us here," Zoraiz politely suggests to Mughis and Banafsha throws him a look of disapproval. His apartment has only two rooms and she isn't going to opt for sleeping on the living room couch, neither hospital benches.

"Hotel is okay for me," Mughis declines. "I'm only here for three days. Wouldn't bother you with the accommodations." He finally turns his gaze to Banafsha and the hair on her body stands up in alert. "You're so quiet, Afsha. Why aren't you saying anything?"

She clears her throat, thinking of something lighthearted before asking, "You could've brought Ferozeh with you too, lala. I miss her and it would've been fresh air for her from home."

A small smile kisses his lips as he answers, "No, we're expecting our second child. The time is critical for her."

Her eyebrows fly up in surprise, so does Zoraiz's. They both share up a look before Zoraiz smiles at his brother.

"Congratulations, lala."

"Thank you."

"Congratulations," Banafsha says too. "Roz didn't tell me."

"It's only been two months and we just found out a few days before my flight here," Mughis tells them. "She didn't want me to come, but days are flying. Your wedding will be here soon. Baba has other important matter to deal with and this leaves me to look into the arrangements; I'm seeing everything personally." He looks at Zoraiz. "I told you Aurang lives here in Dublin. I asked you to meet up with him."

Zoraiz scrubs his stubble, stealing away his eyes. "I've been busy, couldn't get a chance."

"You couldn't make it to Banafsha's nikah either. As her brother, you've some responsibilities too," Mughis grimly reminds him. "I'll be meeting with Aurang tomorrow. See if you can take time to come with me. We haven't been able to connect and there's a lot to discuss with him."

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