26 Redemption

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I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I too have been covered with thorns

- Rumi

"You're soaked in the rain."

Mikael wipes the water droplets off Banafsha's eyebrows and looks at her. She's clutching the coat tightly to her body and her nails have turned blue from the cold. He quickly increases the heat in the car.

"I was waiting for the cab. The rain came out of no where. I really need to start carrying an umbrella all the time."

"What happened to your car?"

"Sold it and returned the money to lala. I couldn't bring myself to use it anymore."

He unzips his jacket to offer her and she holds his hand, stopping him.

"You're only in a shirt. You'll be cold."

He smiles and takes off the jacket. "Don't worry, I've a got a spare hoodie." He reaches into the backseat of his car and picks up the hoodie. "Warm yourself up."

"Well then, mind if I take the hoodie?" she asks gingerly.

He grins and shakes his head, slipping back on his jacket while Banafsha puts on his hoodie. He takes her soaked coat from her and puts it in the back seat.

"Looks good on you," he compliments and she smiles.

"Thank you, it's comfy." She nuzzles it. "And it smells of you."

"And what do I smell like?" he teases and she shrugs.

"Like Mikael."

He laughs. "And what's that like?"

"Like love."

His playfulness turn into a somber expression as he stares at her. She steals away her eyes from her, looking straight ahead instead, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Like love, huh?" He undoes his seat-belt and leans towards her. "Pray tell, what's love like?"

She cranes her neck towards him. "You're the poet here. You know better than me."

"Than let's just not use words. There are way too many of them for this single feeling to fit in a sentence." He puts his hand behind her head and pulls her closer, lowering his voice temptingly. "Unfathomable for human mind, isn't it, doctor?"

"Indeed," she whispers. "It's both a blessing and damnation. When you have it, you've the world. But when you lose it, it's ruination."

He studies her face, keen now, her words unsettling him. Her eyes are cold, distant, impenetrable. He doesn't know what she's thinking, but he knows something is out of place.

"Is something amiss, doctor?"

"I've something to discuss with you."

"I'm listening."

"How long before your class starts?"

"About three hours."

"Then can we have this talk over a coffee?" she requests softly.

"Of course." He kisses her forehead. "Anything else, malika zama (my queen)?"

Smile smiles fleetingly. "Buy me roses?"

He raises a surprised eyebrow. "Roses?"

"Yes, because I need to make peace with my past, present, and future. I've to accept that everything has flaws, but we need to appreciate the beauty in it before it withers away."

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