Chapter 9

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Karlie wakes up later than she would have liked, not used to the eastern time zone, in a bed that is far emptier than she has become accustomed to.  The slender girl raises her arms above her head, tenses her legs outright, in a massive stretch as she glances at the clock that tells her she has almost slept until noon.

It is the model’s first morning back in New York City.  Glancing at her phone she sees a text from Josh, causing a quick pang of guilt to stab at her.

7 tonight good?

Karlie had sent a message to Josh before boarding her plane that she was returning home, and they had been in the process of making dinner plans for this evening.  Karlie replies affirmatively, but squeezes her eyes tightly shut, wishing she could have woken up more peacefully than that.

What am I going to do? Karlie asks herself.  She had returned to her reality.  This was her home.  Beside her was a picture of her and Josh on a nightstand, on one of their many travels together.  Pictures of her family, friends from home, and industry friends were scattered throughout the rest of her condo.  Her well established life, the life that she loves, was cemented around her in all different forms as she lies in her bed, pushing off the day as long as she can.

Something had felt clear to her on that road trip, and already being back in New York City she was beginning to wonder what that something was.  None of it felt real. Kissing Taylor Swift?  Not even that, liking Taylor Swift?

Cheating on Josh. A cruel voice sounds in her own head.  The model wipes at the corner of her eye before a tear can potentially fall.

Karlie has been with Josh for over a year now, and she loved him.  There was no doubt about that, but she had to admit the chemistry that was present the first half of their relationship had waned, and she didn’t know if she was still in love with the entrepreneur.

Karlie thinks back to the after party she had first met Josh, just after the Victoria’s Secret show in 2012.  Just a ticket to the most famous fashion show in the world was a steep $14,000, ensuring that only the wealthiest of viewers would be present at the show.  The after party was even more exclusive than that, meaning only the wealthiest of the wealthiest were present.  This usually meant pop star celebrities, or incredibly successful (and usually old) businessmen, suspiciously lacking wedding bands despite distinct tan lines present.  An hour into the after party that Karlie was obligated to attend, she had retreated to the bar, warding off advances that so many of the men present made towards her.  She welcomed the solitude of the bar stool, but didn’t even try ordering a drink.  She may be an angel, but she wasn’t going to be served underage here, especially since it could put the brand at risk. She had spun around in her stool, taking in the scene of the party, laughing at her friends reacting much better to the various advances of the men than she had. Karlie felt confident in herself, she was an official Victoria’s Secret Angel after all, but she was the youngest one here by a mile.  She hadn’t even allowed her younger sisters to come to the after party, but she felt as out of place as they would have. She turned back around to lean an elbow against the bar when she noticed a lean young man at the opposite end of the counter, looking about as bored as she felt. Was he working the event here? Karlie was sure he wasn’t a famous celebrity, none that she recognized anyway, and he seemed far too young to be here amongst the wealthy businessmen. Maybe a son of one? He didn’t look like the type to beg daddy for a ticket to the show, though, however, as he was less than thrilled to be here. He ran a hand through his messy dark hair absentmindedly, staring down at his phone. Karlie was sure no other guys here were studying their phone, based on the forty or so models present. Karlie couldn’t help herself, she was curious. Karlie had got up and walked over to the tall, dark, and handsome man she learned was Josh.

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