Chapter 12

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July 30, 2014

The dreadfully familiar sound of Karlie's morning alarm sounding seems to weigh heavier on Karlie in this hour than usual. Without even opening her eyes, she blindly reaches over Taylor's body for the nightstand, to silence the incessant noise. With a sleepy sigh, her arm returns to Taylor, wrapping the singer in a tight cuddle. As Karlie presses her face against the back of Taylor's neck, the singer's blonde curls tickling Karlie's nose and cheeks, forcibly entangling their bare legs even more so than they were already, she realizes this is the epitome of contentment.

It wasn't until walking through the door of Taylor's apartment building yesterday did she realize she had a foreboding sense of homesickness while Taylor was in Nashville. She had missed Taylor, of course, but she had even missed Taylor's apartment. When had Karlie made this place her home? And now that she is finally returned, leaving this bed on this morning, of all mornings, seems downright impossible. The silky sheets, feeling soft against Karlie's skin, covering both her and Taylor traps their body heat together, makes their warmth one. The fluffy down comforter on top of that, provides just enough weight on top of them to discourage Karlie even further from even debating leaving this bed this morning. She had missed her bed. She had missed her home.

She easily drifts off back to sleep, feeling utterly cozy, warm, relaxed, and at home pressed tightly against Taylor, their slow breathing rates matching each other's perfectly. She has never felt quite so at peace at her own apartment. She's too tired to wonder if this is something she should be worried about. When her additional snooze time runs out, and the alarm is sounding once more, she shuts it off completely once deciding she will call her personal trainer and cancel their scheduled early morning work out. It's all she has planned for today anyway. But first, she decides to get another half hour of sleep before making the call.

"You can't press snooze again, you have to get up," Taylor mumbles, just as Karlie lightly cuddles her face into the back of Taylor's exposed neck.

"I'm not going today," Karlie replies, keeping her eyes closed and wondering how Taylor could even expect her to leave this bed right now.

"You didn't go yesterday, I took your appointment when you went home," Taylor answers, still sounding half asleep.

"Mhm," Karlie hums, squeezing Taylor a little tighter.

"You have to go to the gym," Taylor sleepily insists, but gripping Karlie's forearm firmly. Her words are telling Karlie to go, but her body is definitely saying stay.

"I'll call and cancel in a bit," Karlie says, lightly and clumsily kissing Taylor's neck, wanting to just drift off back to sleep.

Taylor is asleep once more, and just as Karlie is about to follow, her ring tone sounds.

"You've got to be kidding me," Karlie grumbles angrily, causing Taylor to lightly laugh beside her. As Karlie moves her arm to reach over Taylor to her phone on the nightstand, Taylor rolls over and presses her face to Karlie's chest. When Karlie looks at her screen, convinced she will be ignoring this call and going back to sleep. Her eyes widen, saying, "Oh!" before answering the phone. Taylor moves only in the slightest, maybe curious, but too tired to ask for information, as Karlie answers to hear the voice of her childhood friend, Davis Petrash.

"Karlie!" Davis exclaims, once hearing Karlie's voice greet her.

"What's up, Davis? How are you?" Karlie asks, doing her best to sound as though she isn't completely asleep. Her voice still sounds a bit hoarse with sleep. She mindlessly rubs her thumb in slow circle on Taylor's bare back as she wraps her arm around her once more.

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