Chapter 20

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May 5, 2014

Taylor wakes up at the feeling of her legs being pawed at through the blanket by her cat Meredith.

“Shoo,” Karlie whispers, moving her leg slowly to move Meredith away, not realizing her efforts are fruitless as Taylor is already awake.

“I’m awake,” Taylor mumbles into her pillow.

“Look what you did, Meredith,” Karlie says, addressing the cat in a way of a disapproval.

Taylor smiles into her pillow hearing Karlie speak to her cat the way she does, as though the animal can understand and respond. It is a nice way to wake up, something she could get used to. Suddenly, she becomes aware of how exposed she is against Karlie beneath the blankets. She sparsely remembers getting into bed like this for the night and regrets it. This would surely be awkward.

“What time is it?” Taylor asks.

“Um.. like noon,” Karlie says, sounding amused.

“What?! No wonder Mere woke me up, she must be hungry!” Taylor exclaims. Ordinarily she would get out of bed immediately, but she doesn’t want to get out of bed and visually be exposed to Karlie. At least now she is covered by blankets, although Karlie’s arm is comfortably around her bare abdomen.

“And she is probably angry that she had to hide in a guest bedroom all night when all these intruders were in her home,” Karlie adds.

Taylor laughs, as both girls watch the cat slink back and forth up the bed, waiting for some action to transpire.

“I can physically feel her anger,” Taylor comments, although the only thing she is hyper aware of is the transfer of heat occurring between Karlie’s slender arm and Taylor’s flesh.

“She’s hungry,” Karlie agrees.

“I better feed her,” Taylor finally says, but still pauses a moment before sitting up. Immediately once sitting up Meredith hops off the bed and races out of the room. Taylor clutches the blankets to her front, hesitant about getting out of the bed fully.

“We didn’t do anything, you know, you just went to sleep like this,” Karlie says softly, rubbing a hand over Taylor’s lower back.

“No, I know! I remember,” Taylor says, turning a fine shade of pink. “Just look away,” Taylor says, sounding embarrassed.

“Look away?!” Karlie exclaims laughing as she grabs at Taylor and pulls her back lying down beside her. “You’re so cute.”

Taylor is smiling facing Karlie on the pillow and makes an indistinguishable noise as a reply, her cheeks a shade of red matching the lasting remnants of her lipstick from the night before. Taylor notices hints of lipstick stains along the hem of Karlie’s shirt by her neck.

Karlie snakes her arms around Taylor’s waist, pulling her closer to her. Taylor finds it difficult meeting the model’s gaze, as usual confused by the situation she has found herself in with the friend.

“Why does this always happen?” Karlie asks shaking her head, smiling.

“This doesn’t always happen, I’m usually wearing clothes,” Taylor says, laughing.

“That is true, you are unfortunately usually wearing clothes,” Karlie says, still holding Taylor’s gaze.

“Shut up,” Taylor says, being the first to look away. She can’t help but smile at Karlie’s remark, but is thrown off by the directness of it. It isn’t something the two are familiar with.

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