Chapter 26 - Freedom

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@abb1e_14, no reading this until I see you! Get off your phone in class! Honestly.... hahaa.


It was official.

Simon Cowell was going to prison for life.

The past few months had been hard, what with both Louis and Harry choosing to testify against Simon and Modest in court, adding charges of abuse and misconduct to the others that had been slowly, but surely, stacking up against them.

The shackles he'd began to forge years ago now bound his wrists, and with no one to blame but himself, Simon Cowell was going down.

Even members of Little Mix had come forward, telling the court their side of the story; the abuse that Simon had subjected them to as a group.

The hashtag #justicefor1Dandlittlemix had been trending worldwide and, unsurprisingly, the media had been going crazy with the story, making it headlines across the world for weeks on end.

Gemma had been recovering well and both she and Harry had been going to weekly therapy sessions, despite Harry's initial protest. They'd been making progress and Louis was so incredibly proud to call them his husband and sister in Law.

They'd been making plans about how they were going to come out and preparations were already in place for their big, public, wedding.

Harry had decided, shortly after he and his sister had come out of hospital, that he would no longer hide who he was, or who he was with.

Management had torn them apart once already and Harry was insistent on making sure that it never happened again- to them or anyone else in the music industry.

On advice of his therapist- a very nice woman called Laura- Harry had started writing an autobiography. At the start it had been hard, Harry had been hesitant to write his entire life down on a piece of paper, but after a lengthy conversation with Louis and a lot of convincing (not that Harry had protested too much when Louis kissed him roughly and pushed him on the bed) Harry had agreed. So far, Harry had not let Louis read any of it, instead insisting that he waits until it was finished to read it. Louis had given in, not forgetting to give him a stern warning that any or all content about him must be checked before the book was published to avoid their fans getting their hands on anything that happened to contradict his bad boy persona.

Louis was doing incredibly well, loving his life as a married man and had never been happier... he just wished that his mum was still here to see it.

Louis sighed, breathing through the crushing pain in his chest that never seemed to have eased.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Harry's tired voice asked, still thick with sleep.

"Yeah, I'm alright Hun. Just miss Mum 's all." He confessed, the feeling easing slightly as smiled down at his husbands sleepy figure and bed messed hair.

"It's okay Baby. I love you, you'll always have me.' He murmured, shuffling closer to Louis in the bed, putting his arm across his chest and pulling him into his side. Louis rested his head atop Harry's, feeling his long hair tickle his chin.

"I love you so much Harry." He declared softly, brushing a kiss to the younger boy's hair.

"I love you too Smushy." Harry whispered, drooling slightly, his eyes closed as he drifted in and out of sleep.

"Smushy?" Louis asked, scrunching his nose in embarrassment.

Harry merely nodded, a smile pulling his lips upwards. "If I'm your squishy then you're my Smushy."

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