The Kidnapping - Deleted Scene - Niall's POV

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Heya Lovelies, in order to celebrate all the reads on my book, I decided to give you this prequel to the kidnapping originally written in Niall's POV which I scrapped to write the book in Harry's POV.

I am so eternally grateful to everyone who has read this story, commented and voted. Your words make my day and give me the fuel that I need to keep writing for you guys. I wrote this book at the age of fourteen and never expected the response to be so big- So once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

You've also got a new cover (Ages ago) I liked the one that we used to have, but I didn't love it as much as I do the Make a wish cover and all the others that I've done for books you haven't read yet.

With that all being said, I hope you enjoy.
Love to you all, Angel x


The Kidnapping - Niall Horan's POV

Niall Horan was led on his sofa, a bottle of beer hanging idly from his drunken hand as his eyes fixed on a wall that he could no longer see. The alcohol was filtering through his bloodstream, making his mind absent as he drowned himself in the bittersweet substance.

When the screen of his phone lit up, the high pitched ringtone breaking the blanket of silence covering the room with it's obnoxious chimes, Niall had half a mind to throw the device across the room and the sound alone was enough to make him groan and cover his ears against the perforating tone.

Groaning, he finally answered it, blinking heavily as he tried to clear the mist of alcohol that was veiling his vision. His voice was low when he spoke, rather impatiently, as he waited for the person on the other end of the line to declare themselves.

"Mr Horan?" They asked, voice excited and interested.

"Speaking." he replied, peeling a loose piece of skin from around his finger as he held the phone to his ear absently with his shoulder, disinterested.

"It's Jean from your management, I would just like to tell you that we have been contacted about an opportunity for you to host and perform in an event in London soon." She explained, making him sit up slightly straighter, head dropping into his hands as he felt a wave of nausea and pain splinter his senses.

"What kind of opportunity?" he questioned, intrigue lacing his gravely voice.

"A big one." She replied, waiting a second before giving me more details. "Stand up to cancer are doing a live concert show this year in the Royal Albert hall to raise money for children suffering with the disease. They want you to host and headline the event if you're up to it?" She informed, her voice holding at tone of question at the end.

"Oh. Wow." He stated, blinking stupidly in shock for a couple of seconds. "I mean- Of course I will." He confirmed, a slow smile spreading across his face as he felt himself sober up slightly. "Are they only asking me 'cause Harry Styles was busy?" He questioned, amused.

The woman laughed slightly. "No Mr Horan, you were the first choice." She declared, the line going dead mere seconds later.

Niall huffed, throwing the phone down, slightly harsher than he might've intended, onto the top of his glass covered table. He closed his eyes, sleep dragging him to oblivion before he even had a chance to protest.


The royal Albert Hall had always been one of Niall's favourite venues in London. For starters, the entire place held an overtone of grandness; It was entirely captivating. he'd performed there a couple of times with the boys for the royal variety performance and to say it was a place of many memories would be an understatement.

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