Chapter 2- ungrateful love

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Hayley's POV
I immediately recognized the man from a recent magazine i was reading. "Christian Alfonzo" I whispered to myself but it was loud enough to create a suspicion of someone's presence.

Christian heard it and immediately looked around to find someone as I shrink myself more behind the tree. Christian shifted himself away from Me, his back on my sight as he pulled out a gun from the waistband of his jeans and shot the bleeding man kneeling in front of him.

I gasped in horror as i saw the life out of him fade away. I couldn't help as the gasp out of my mouth was loud enough to alert Christian and his men who started searching the area.

I was unable to move as Christian came towards the direction of the tree with a gun in his hand ready to shoot.

I was hoping for some miracle to happen but the luck wasn't on my side as my sudden movement caused Christian to stand in front of me with a gun pointed towards my forehead. 

"Who are you?" he said in a deadly voice making My lips and chin to tremble in fear as i  stood up. "H-Hayley" i stuttered making Christian to arch his eyebrows "And what exactly are you doing here?" "I-My c-car broke d-down- ". " I don't want to hear it" Christian said moving his gun and pointing it right between my eyes.

I closed my eyes ready to face the reality when suddenly loud sirens were heard from across the street making both Me and Christian confused. "boss we need to leave- right now" one of Christian's man said as he nodded in agreement and hurriedly walked towards the car but stopped just by the door, turned around and glanced one last look at the numb me as he closed the door behind him and the car drove with super speed.

I was stunned by whatever just happened and without looking behind i walked towards my car.

Next morning i woke up from the ringing of my phone when last night's events came crashing down inside my brain and i was stunned even now as i couldn't think of one reason for why a guy like Christian would be involved in illegal activities even when he had everything in the world.

I answered the call without looking at the caller id. "Hayley where are you? You didn't show up at the office today." Mathew's voice pulled Me out of my thoughts as i said "I'm on my way sir" "okay, I'm waiting" with that he ended the call.

I stood up from my bed deciding to forget about last night and just focusing on my own life and my new book as i got ready to leave.

Christian's POV
I  woke up in the morning and took a shower with only one thought in my mind-Hayley.

I couldn't help but think about her all the way to the Alfonzo estate to meet my father and my brothers.

Seeing Christian enter a man in his fifties stood up and spoke in a calm voice "Christian- where were you last night, you missed an important dinner with the Petersons. "I-I"

I was interrupted by a young bold man with brown hairs and green eyes which turned a shade darker upon seeing Me. "Gavin" I took a step forward to meet my eldest brother who just shrugged and completely ignored my presence. "Dad" Gavin said in a cold voice making both of the us to look at him. "Because of your son, we couldn't start the meeting yesterday and it was hell of a task to re schedule it with the Petersons" Gavin said in a cold voice with an emotionless face. "i-I" I again was interrupted by my father who looked Gavin in the eyes and said "you still managed to re schedule it, didn't you?" Gavin looked astonished for a second but quickly masked it with a neutral face. "I did, don't miss it this time." Gavin glanced at Me as he spoke and walked away. "I won't " I said this time and turned to look at my father who had no expression on his face and spoke "I'll leave I have a lot of work today , bye dad" Robert patted me on the shoulder and said "very well, bye son" as he smiled at Me and took his leave as well.

I sighed as i drove off to my office and into my room when i received a call from my men.

"Boss we found the girl, do you want us to kill her?" he said in a cold yet respectful voice. "no- keep an eye on her and tell me her location when I ask you to" "sure thing boss" and he ended the call.

I diverted my attention to all of my pending work and finished it so that i could pay a visit to my recent witness.

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