Chapter 14

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I kiss Aaron. Well it was more of a peck than a kiss but still. I heard a gasp coming from Diego's direction and I know that came from him. I scurry back to my seat and everyone is quiet. What did I do? Did they expect me to drink? 

There was a moment of silence until someone cleared their throat. " Briar, your turn." Cece says with a sad smile on her face.

"Okay. Zach, I drink or dare you to........sleep on the couch tonight." I say with a mischievous smile.

His mouth hangs open. "What?! That's not fair! You'll be doing Aaron a favor then." He says crossing his arms over his chest and pouts his lip.

"You could always drink." Cece suggests on the verge of laughing.

"Why'd you say that?" Aaron complains. Zach's face lights up and he greedily drinks the beer straight out of the bottle.


"Goodnight guys." Cece yells in front of their room for the night before disappearing into it, Diego following behind. The door shuts lock and we all look at each other. Well someone's getting busy tonight.

I open the door to Cece's room and flop onto her bed. It's so much more comfy than mines. I guess now's the time to take a shower. I feel icky. After our game of drink or dare, we all got hungry so we decided to order some pizza. Then there was this argument between Zach and Aaron on who got to sleep on which side. Zach ended up having to sleep by the door. Good luck to him.

I squirt the shampoo and coat it all over my hair. Strawberry, smells nice. Then I apply conditioner and body soap. I wrap the warm towel around my body. This girl even has a towel warmer! I quickly blow dry and hair and head out to the room to get my clothes from my duffel bag. 

"Nice towel." I jump and scream from the sudden voice. Then I met the eyes of those glistening brown ones. Alec.

"What the heck are you doing in here?!" I whisper yell. It's late in the night, shouldn't he be trying to get himself comfy on the couch. "And at least you could've showered before lying on the bed?" I add with annoyance.

I hate when people go on my bed with dirty clothes and stuff. Like at least clean yourself before.

"Couldn't sleep. And if my dirty clothes are bothering you so much, I'll take them off." And he does exactly just that. He removes his socks and his jacket. Then he pulls his shirt over his head revealing his perfect godlike body. He slips his jeans off and he is left with only his boxer. At least that's one piece of clothing more than me. Under this towel, I am butt naked.

He slowly made his way towards me until he stand right in front of me. I had to crane my neck to up look a his gorgeous face. Then he leans down. "Why did you kiss Aaron?" He asked in a accusing tone. His hand grips the top of my towel. 

"Umm, and...the others beer." I say breathlessly and focused on his eyes which are focused on my lips as I lick them.

"Hmmm." He says then tugs the towel off of my body. I gasp from the impact. I'm naked. Like full on lady part revealing naked. I quickly cover my lady parts with my hands.

"Alec! What the heck. You're drunk get out now!" I yell at him. I can't believe he would actually do that.

"I only drank one shot sunshine. This is what you get for kissing Aaron." He says then he wraps his arms around my waste and tugs me to his chest. I punch him and fight against him but his hold only tightens. 

"Alec please let me go." I say with tears brimming my eyes. I'm scared, this isn't like him to do this. I let out a quiet sob as I fear what's coming next.

Then his hands cups my face and bring my eyes up to look at his. A worried expression is plastered on his face automatically from seeing my shiny eyes filled with tears. His face softens.

"Briar I would never." He says softly. Then he places the most softest and gentlest kiss ever on my own lips. I close my eyes and feel more relaxed. This is the Alec that I want. We break apart and he leans his forehead against mine. We close our eyes lost in the moment. Then I realize I'm still naked.

"I don't have clothes on." I mumble softly. He pulls away and a smile breaks onto his lips. "Don't get any ideas." I warn. He chuckles softly.

"Get changed. I'm sleeping with you tonight. The couch is unbearable." He complains with a groan and leans back onto the bed. I quickly pick up my towel and grab my clothes for the night and head back into the bathroom. Once changed I brush my teeth and head back outside to see him reading. I like watching him read, it's so calming for some reason.

I shuffle on my feet and his head snaps up. Our eyes meet and a soft smile breaks out onto his lips. I walk to the bed and he closes the lights. The only light shining is the lamp.

I slide in next to him and he wraps his arms around me. Our faces are so close to each other I can just kiss him again. And I do just that. My tiny hands wrap around his face and I lean in, our lips touching. He freezes for a second but then responds to the kiss. He nibbles on my lower lip causing a quiet moan to escape me. I feel his hands snake down from my waist to my butt and he squeezes gently. No man has ever touched me there before. I gasp and he takes that as a chance to slip his tongue in. I suck on his tongue as he gives my butt another soft squeeze.

Our kiss gets more heated as he repositions us so that he's now on top. We break apart trying to catch our breaths. 

"Go to sleep Briar." He says gently and lies back down on the bed. I face him and place my head on his chest as his arms wrap around me. He gives my head a kiss before turning off the lamp. Soon his breathing evens and I know he's fast asleep. Not long after I follow and the dark takes over.


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