Chapter 19

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We stand in front of Alec's house and my mother knocks on the door. The door swings open to reveal a lady with a bright smile on her face. She kind of looks familiar. "Hi, I'm Nora please do come in." She says brightly and steps aside for us to enter.

The house looks similar to ours, well the way it's built. But the furniture is different. "I'm Alec's mom." Nora says as she walks up to us. "And you must be Briar. I've heard so much about you. You know, Alec will not shut up about you. You must make him really happy." She says with a sweet and warm smile.

"I hope I do." I say causing her to chuckle softly.

"Briar." I hear that familiar deep voice calling from behind me. I turn around to see Alec standing on the stairs accompanied by those two little kids. He's holding the little girl while the boy is standing shyly behind him. He starts making his way towards us and sets down the little girl who runs off. "Hi." He greets and places a kiss on my lips. My face turns bright pink. He just kissed me in front of his family.

"Dinner's all set!" We hear a voice saying from the kitchen. An older man steps out with a wide smile upon seeing us and stalks over to Alec and me. "Hi, I'm John. Alec's dad." He says as he extends his hand out for me to shake.

"And these two little ones are Layla and Isaac." Nora says bringing them closer to us. The little girl has a wide smile and waves to me. She's probably no more than 3. While the boy just stands there with a small smile playing on his lips. Buddy, you're not the only one who's nervous.

"Where's aunt Priya and uncle Joseph?" Alec asks wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulls me close and places a kiss to my head.

"They're coming later, just grabbing more drinks." Nora replies looking at us. "While we wait for them let's have a seat. We can chit chat." 

We all make our way over to the living room. Alec sits on the single couch and I walk past him. He grabs my arm and drags me over to sit with him. So now we're squished on the small single couch. Well I'm half sitting on him.

"So how'd you guys meet?" John asks taking a seat next to his wife. 

"School. I accidentally sat on his table and he shooed me away. But luckily Diego was there so he allowed me to sit." I say smiling at the memory.

"Sounds like him." Nora adds chuckling. "And I'm really glad that he found someone to bring out the happiness in him. You know he's a very grumpy boy. Wouldn't even want to talk to his parents." 

"Mom.." Alec warns her. She raises her hands in surrender still laughing.

Just then the door opens and a lady and a man walks in holding juice cans. "Mommy! Daddy!" The little girl, Layla, screams as she runs to her parents who picks her up.

"Hi everyone." The lady, Priya says. She looks at us on the couches and her eyes find mine. "You're Briar? Correct?" She asks with a smile. I nod my head in response. "It's a pleasure meeting you. This is my husband Joseph." She introduces her husband who gives me a small smile and a wave to which I return back.

"Let's have dinner." Nora says and everyone makes their way into the kitchen. Alec pulls a seat out for me and I slide in, him sitting to my right and Layla sitting to my left. My mother took a seat next to Nora. 

We all begin eating, occasionally having conversation. "So briar, what college do you plan on going to?" Priya asks me. Now all the attention is directed towards me. 

"Umm I haven't really....." Alec's hand slides onto my thigh. I suck in a breath. "Um I haven't really yet." His hand slides higher up my thigh, giving it a squeeze. 

"Well there's a bunch of option on the table for you. You're a pretty smart girl." Nora adds. I nod my head and turn to face Alec who sips his drink, acting as if he didn't just man handle me.

"What do you want to study?" John chimes in asking me. I actually don't know. There's a lot I wanna do but I still have so much ahead of me.

"Um I kind of...wanted to do umm....probably business and management." His hand slides high up my dress. It lands on the rim of my underwear. I grab his hand from underneath the table and attempt to push it away. It fails as his hand now lands on the underwear of my pussy. He grazes his thumb over it, rubbing it in circular motions. A soft moan escapes my lips and I'm quick to cover it up by clearing my throat. This jerk.

"Oh really? Why so?" Nora asks. Why so many questions? And Alec is making it so much worse.

"I wanted to start a small business maybe. It's always been my dream when.....I was umm....little." I say quickly as he pinches the bulb of my clit with his fingers. He rolls it between his thumb and pointer causing my eyes to roll to the back of my head. But since we have company I try to keep myself conscious.  

I scoot my chair further away from him. He can't embarrass me in front of his family. "So what do you do for a living Heather?" Nora asks my mother with a smile.

"I'm a psychiatrist, we moved here because I got the job. What do you do?" My mother asks in return. As the adults converse I turn to face Alec.

"Stop it." I whisper yell at him which only causes his smirk to form into a grin. "What are you--" I gasp but cover my mouth with my hands and squeeze my legs tight together. He just stuck a finger inside me. What is he, crazy? He starts wiggling his finger inside of me causing a moan to escape from my lips. Luckily everyone is busy chatting that they didn't hear me.

His finger stops moving but he keeps it inside me. Probably waiting for the right moment to move again. Just as I thought he was going to remove his fingers, he added another finger inside of me. The 2 fingers start pumping. He's literally fingering me right in front of his family. I gasp and my eyes begin to roll to the back of my head.

"Briar honey you okay?" My mother brings me back to reality. Everyone's eyes now on me. Thanks a lot Alec. I gulp nervously.

"Yeah I'm fine." My voice comes out shakey and weak. "I just need to use the restroom." I say and begin to stand.

"I'll show you where." Alec says as he too begins to stand up. I roll my eyes as I see a glint in his eyes I can't quite pick out. "This way." He says and I follow him. 

He leads us to the bathroom and I turn before he could enter. "Thanks, I got it from here." I say as I begin to close the door. His hand stops the door from shutting completely. "I don't think so. You need to fix this." He says as he looks down. I see his hardness through his pants. My eyes go wide.

"I didn't do that." I say. I'm getting nervous but also turned on at the same moment.

"Yes you did." He says as he grabs my waist and walks us backward, shutting the door with his leg. One hand goes from my waist to the door knob before locking it. 


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