Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I felt my body ache slightly, not in a bad way, but almost like when you go to the chiropractor and they straighten you out. Either way, I knew the second I walked into my house that I needed some Tylenol, food, and a shower.

The thought still ran my mind on why Klaus could compel me. Is it because he's an Original? If so, what makes them so different that they can compel me? Does this also mean they can heal me with their blood?

So many questions ran across my mind as I took my shower and made a quick breakfast. As I was finishing the food, I heard the front door open and close, making me look and see Damon fast walking into the kitchen where I was.

"I see Katherine got to you in time."

"Where is Stefan?"

I was surprised that he wasn't back yet, unless Klaus really did have plan for him?

"I thought he was home, he isn't back yet?"

"Where was he before you thought he was home?" Damon asked, annoyed.

"With Klaus."

Damon shook his head, angry as he turned around before looking back at me. "Wait, how would you know he was with Klaus?"

"Because I was there too. I... I passed out and Elijah brought me to Klaus' house. Turns out I met Klaus before but he was Niklaus to me. He didn't hurt me."

Scuffing, Damon said, "I don't care if he did or didn't, I want to know where my brother is and since you were the last one to see him, you're going to help me."

Standing up, I looked at Damon, a little annoyed, "I don't know where he is. I get your mad that Elena is dead and your guys' little love triangle is damage but I'm sorry, I can't help you."

I walked over, putting the dirty dishes in the sink. Suddenly, Damon ran over to me, grabbing me and pinning me against the wall. His hand around my throat was tight and my hand immediately started clawing at him.

"Elena was right, you are useless. Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

"Damon... Don't," I tried to breathe out.

Suddenly, I heard a snapping sound and Damon laid unconscious on the ground. I started to cough, trying to catch my breath as I rubbed my neck.

Stefan stood in front of me, looking down at his unconscious brother before looking at me. A breath of relief left my lips, "Stefan. I thought Klaus was keeping you with him."

"He is," I heard a voice say and looked passed Stefan at Klaus who stood in the doorway. He was smiling, his hands behind his back as he looked at me.

I walked passed Stefan and over to the front door, dropping my hands to my side. "I'm not inviting you in."

"I'm not staying. I simple wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay. It looks like we came just in time," Klaus said, looking passed me at Damon. "You know he'll still be after you when he wakes. And with Elena dead, nothing will be stopping him."

A scuff left my lips as I looked off, "She wouldn't be stopping him anyways."

Stefan walked over to us, "Alright, I did what you wanted, can we go?"

Klaus seemed to ignore Stefan, still focused on me. "It seems you will be killed if you stay. Lucky for you, Stefan and I were just about to leave town."

"Klaus," Stefan said through clenched teeth.

"If you care to join us, I promise you, you will not be harmed."

My eyes starred into Klaus, feeling that pull towards him like I have before. I had ever reason to say no, to slam the door on his face. But, I also had reasons to go.

He was right, Damon would want to kill me, especially when he finds out I let Stefan go with Klaus. And, I still have my questions that need answers on why he can compel me and no one else can.

I looked off, my head racing. But it seemed my head wouldn't be making this decision because the words were already coming out.

"Let me pack a few things."

Leaving the door open, I head upstairs and into my room to pack a small bag of clothes and my poem book. As I was doing so, Stefan had entered.

"You don't need to do this, Aislinn. I don't know what Klaus is planning with you but it can't be anything good."

"He compelled me, Stefan," I said, making his mouth part in shock. "No vampire has been able to compel me or heal me with their blood since the accident. Klaus compelled me, which means in some way he's connected to all of this. I need answers. And he's right, Damon will want to kill me when he wakes."

Grabbing my bag, I headed down the stairs and back up to Klaus. I grabbed my keys only for him to comment, "You won't be needing those."

I eyes Klaus, starting to wonder if this really was a smart idea. Whether I wanted to back out or not didn't seem to matter because I found myself stepping out onto my porch as Stefan closed the door behind us.

Klaus walked over to his SUV, opening the backdoor for me. "Come on Little Butterfly, it's time to go."

I sucked in a breath and watched Stefan climb into the passenger side, looking unhappy about all of this. I made my way to the SUV, climbing into the back before Klaus climbed into the driver side. The vehicle started and we were off, heading who knows where.

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