Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Why the hell are you here?" Damon's voice filled my ears as he stood at the bar next to me.

I sat on one of the stools at the bar, a half rum, half coke in my hand as I starred ahead. "Oh you know me, pissing everyone off as usual."

Damon ordered a drink before sitting down in the stool next to me.

"Wow, your actually sitting and having a drink next to me? What would Elena think?"

"Well, she's not here, is she? How's Klaus doing?"

"Don't know, don't care," I mumbled.

Damon glanced at me before looking ahead, "Uh oh, trouble in paradise."

I rolled my eyes, wishing he would just leave so I could continue to get drunk. Of course, he didn't, instead he seemed to push more.

"So, I get the whole, Elena blaming you for your parent's death, but clearly you don't think that."

A scuff left my lips, "Why do you care?"

"I want to hear your side of the story."

My head turned to Damon, confusion written on my face, "Why, all of a sudden, do you want to know? You've never cared about me or my side. In fact, you tried to kill me multiple times."

Damon looked ahead unamused, "Well, I figured I owed you since you saved my life and all. I was going to drop off flowers but I figure this will do. So, talk," He turned in his stool, looking at me as he motioned for me to talk.

This was my chance to finally speak the truth and have someone listen. It didn't mean he would believe me, but it was a start.

A sigh left my lips as I looked down at my drink. "The night our parents died, I was at a party by the woods. Half the class was there drinking, dancing, doing whatever. I had a couple of drinks and was flirting with this guy. I guess I flirted to much because he tried to make a move. He..." My voice lingered off for a moment, "He tried to rape me. I called mom and Elena's dad and they picked me up. When we were drive back home, I tried to tell them what had happened. They didn't believe me. Mom thought I just took it the wrong way and dad thought I was just drunk. He was yelling at me and I was so angry, I just wanted them to stop and believe me. Next thing I know, a deer's jumping out into the road and my dad swerves out of the way... into the water. My window was open so I was able to get out, but they couldn't. I climbed out and was headed towards shore when I slipped and hit my head. I woke up in the hospital to hear our mom and dad didn't make it. Elena came and I tried to tell what had happened, but she didn't believe me. She needed someone to blame and since I was the only one alive, she picked me. I tried so hard to make someone believe me, but no one would listen. Except Klaus.

Finally I looked at Damon, seeing the look of sympathy in his eyes.

"Don't do that, don't look at me with sympathy when you don't mean it. I never could get someone to sit and have a drink with me let alone two." I held the drink up to my lips and looked ahead, "Debts paid."

Damon starred at me for a good moment, making me wonder what he was going to do next. I was surprised when he fully turned in his stool to look ahead, "Another drink," He ordered. I looked next to me at him surprised before we both sat in silence and finished our drinks.

I headed back home, feeling tipsy as I closed the door behind me. My feet came to a stop though when I saw Elena standing in the kitchen. At the sound of the door closing, she turned, seeing me, and meeting me halfway.

"Hey, your back."

"Yeah," I said, my fingers pulling at my shirt almost nervously. Why was she here?

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