Chapter 13

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Park pov:

Our gang became friends from freshman year but forth is always distant.

He always stays with us but we feel that there is something he is hiding behind his face. We don't want to make him uncomfortable with us so we won't ask many question. He is a very good friend.

Our batch is not much interested in studies so we will just try for the target marks to complete sem.

One day suddenly forth told that he made a deal with his dad and lam suggested to ask Beam for tutoring.

Beam also agreed. We will leave him in canteen after class and go to hangout.

Suddenly one day beam snapped at forth and forth wanted to prove himself to beam which shocked us.

Always professors tells us to study hard but we will just ignore them. Forth even won't listen to their parents it doesn't mean he don't respect but I think there is some distance between them. He never really talks about his family.

P.S: although they are lazy assets they are very good at practical work than theoreticals . That's why border D grades.

After beam incident we saw a new forth. A determined forth. He unconsciously look at the beam in the class and his eyes always searches for Beam in canteen.

We know that he feels something for him we don't know what he feels..

So we asked whether he likes beam or not he replied he doesn't so we drop the topic there

Nextday beam didn't come to college forth got worried if something happened to beam.

We all share a stare. We all somehow knows what forth feels towards beam.

It's just that bull head didn't realise.

We checked why beam is on leave... And the reason is his mom sick.

Suddenly tul got an idea and we all agreed to it.

When we went to canteen forth sat on the table looking sad.

Max asked him what he is thinking he said nothing. This is the first time we are seeing forth sad then suddenly tul told that beam is on two days leave.

Forth is curious about the reason then tul told that he is on leave because of medical emergency... Yes his mom is not feeling well it's a medical emergency we haven't told him whose medical emergency it is.

May be this will help him to figure out what he feels towards beam...

Let's hope so...

This is the longest chapter I have written so far

Happy reading

Love u all...
Stay home stay safe


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