Chapter 36

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Forth pov:

We are all having lunch and suddenly dad asked about vacation. Beam and I agreed for a week because we have college in two weeks.

So next day we all went to an island with beach and stayed there and enjoyed there. Mom and Dad are becoming more close with beam. I feel very happy.

We all stayed in a villa in different rooms. So sometimes I sneak out and meet beam at night.

Note : not good at writing about vacation.... So it's upto ur imagination

One week is passed in a blink of eye. Now we are returning to the city.

Me and beam prepare for the next sem and internship. During vacation time we discussed about internship and beam also applied for our company.

But we don't want to involve our name so I told Dad if we are capable then will join or else will try somewhere else. Dad understood us and told he won't interfere.

I just hope to get internship at same place for both of us.

After returning from vacation days are going smoothly. I am spending more time with my parents. Beam will stay until aunty's shift(now household head) at the mansion and will leave after dinner.

Beam's presence became as natural in the house. We all became one family.

Tomorrow is the last day of holiday. Next sem we will become busy with internship and sem.

I am already missing beam today he is busy preparing fir the sem. So he haven't come.

I am hella missing beam

Happy reading

Love u all..
Stay home stay safe...


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