Chapter 60

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Forth pov:

I am really happy at this moment and we both are in our own world with beam in my arms reminiscing our memories. We came out of our world when the lights went on.

Beam is suprised to see our parents and friends.

I stood infront of beam and gave a big bouquet of roses.

Happy anniversary love i told beam giving him roses

Happy anniversary fluffy beam replied with teary eyes

Baby why are u crying now Forth is worried

I thought.... Thought... U forgot about  today replied beam

How can I forget the day the love of life came into my life. The one who gave me family who made me perfect and the person who can make me feel several emotions and the one without whom I cannot live while confessing his feelings forth went on his knees and took out a small box from the pocket.

Love its been five years since we became boyfriends. Now I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. So will you accept me as your husband and marry me beam forth proposed to beam.

Beam just nodded his head as a yes and his eyes became teary with this overwhelming feelings.

Yes fluffy I will marry you beam replied once he composed himself

Still you are calling me fluffy. I am your soon to be husband Forth whined and pouted

It's been a while beam started calling forth fluffy. Beam doesn't want to call Forth with the names others used to call Forth

Even though u became my husband  I will still call you fluffy and you are my fluffy so no one is allowed to call you like that okay beam told while looking at forth and kissed the pouted lips.

Its our day fluffy. Don't pout okay. Don't show them how cute you are Forth blushed with beam's words

So now we can arrange wedding right both our parents asked

We both nooded our head as a go signal

On wedding day

Forth and beam are standing on the aisle taking their vows

So forth jaturapoom will u accept beam as your husband in rich and poor, happy and sick, good and bad priest asked Forth

I do Forth replied looking directly into beam's eyes with tears threatening to fall

Beam baramee will you accept Forth jaturapoom as your husband in rich and poor, happy and sick, good and bad priest asked beam

Yes.. I do beam also replies with tears

Both their mothers are also in tears with happiness for their sons

Now you can kiss eachother priest announced (he doesn't know whom to call groom so he choose safe one)

Forth took a step towards beam.

First he kissed on beam's forehead and then kissed beam's  lips with so much love.

It's thier first kiss amd it is very special for both of them

All the ones who attended the wedding started cheering them and congratulating for their marriage.

Its a new start for their journey as husbands

Let's just wish happy journey

Let's congratulate them

                     The end

Happy reading


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