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Percy woke up to a painful position. He was sitting in a wooden chair, nails pinning his arms to the armrest. His feet and legs were also nailed to the chair's legs, his broken shins getting the worst of it. It was a similar room to the other, just slightly bigger with various machines and items lined up against the walls. There were knives, a box of nails, a couple of hammers, a tank of boiling water, and three whips resting on a shelf. Swallowing down the constant fear he always felt, Percy couldn't help but guess what all that stuff was going to be used for.

Another hour passed before the Silver walked in, calmly pulling a pair of plastic gloves on.

"Morning, Percy. Welcome to another one of our facilities. Its quality for torture and lab work tops the other place by far."
"Why did you move me here?"

"Your little demigod friends tried to rescue you. We had no choice but to relocate, and self-destruct the other building with your friends trapped inside."
"Wait, what?"
"They're still alive, just severely wounded. We got you out just in time since Annabeth shot two guards carrying you. Too bad she didn't stop to make sure you weren't inside a bomb bag. They'll be fine though but not in time to save you before we do end up killing you. Our work is almost complete. Then, you'll be killed with the most gruesome pain you've ever felt before. Can't wait to see what happens then."
If it weren't for the nails in his fingers, Percy would have clenched his fists in anger. Annabeth...almost died. Because of them. His friends are probably dead because of him...

"After that nice chat, let's get going to a more painful, serious matter. Guard!"

A guard hurried in, ripping the nails out of Percy's limbs. He was forced to his feet as the guard escorted Percy to a metal bed behind him. His ankles were cuffed to the bed, but only one wrist was held down. The other was held out by the guard, who placed a wooden table underneath, like a cutting board.

Another guard came in, grabbing a knife, approaching.

"Don't worry, Percy. We'll stitch it up before you can bleed out and die on us." Silver promised.
Percy's eyes widened as the knife was gently placed above his fingers. Watching with fear, and endless pain shot through as his fingers were cut off, followed by his hand, and wrist. As if he were cutting tomato slices, the guard cut Percy's arm off, bit by bit until he was three inches from his shoulder. Buzzing noise drowned out the noise of his screams and the sawing, his vision went red. He didn't black out, not even when he felt them stitch up what used to be his left arm.

That was only the beginning of a new chapter of torturous nightmares.

A couple more weeks went by as a guard forced Percy on the table for the millionth time that week, lying on his stomach. Hot metal was pressed against his back, digging deep into the skin. Percy clenched his remaining fist, holding back screams and tears. The guard placed more hot metal on his back, the back of his legs.

A couple of days later, some science experiment on a hawk was used on him, the hawk clawing and biting Percy wherever it was told to by some device in its brain.

Following a day later, Percy was nailed to the chair again, after being unconscious as they experimented on him again.

After being stuck in that position for several days, Percy was left alone for three weeks, getting food and water throughout. How had he not died yet? If he weren't a demigod, Percy would have died months ago. He counted. It would be three months in a couple of days.

A few minutes later, he was almost electrocuted to death by Silver, leaving an ozone smell to his skin. Silver left, still leaving the nails in Percy's remaining limbs.

The smell from not showering for months was starting to annoy Percy's nose. He absolutely reeked of disgustingness. It probably matched Smelly Gabe's awful odor. Wait. No. Smelly Gabe was worse. Although Percy would prefer reliving his time with Smelly Gabe than be where he was at now. That's how desperate he was.

Numb to most pain, Percy began to lose hope in ever seeing Annabeth again. Hugging his mom. Being back at camp as a normal halfblood with nothing to worry about except training and capture the flag. Sometimes, Percy wished Hades would just take him to the underworld. Most days were too much for his mental state, especially his physical state. Death was upon him at any minute. Percy knew it.

Two days later, Silver walked in.

"Well, Percy, congratulations! You made it till the end! We thank you for your participation in our science project. We got a lot of information to work with. We'll make this death slow, just the way you like it. Starting today, we'll continue to torture you more than usual, just to let your death creep in slowly. Don't want to kill you in just one day, that would be cruel."

Hardly caring whether he died or not, Percy hardly screamed as he was electrocuted with a higher power than before.

However, he did cry out in pain when a guard took a screwdriver and literally poked Percy's left eye out, leaving him half-blind, with blood running down his face.

After patching up the wound, he was left alone for a few minutes, his eye socket throbbing, his vision blurry in the other.

A guard came in, taking a match and catching Percy's right shoulder on fire. It spread across his chest, arm, and cheek before water distinguished the flames, leaving nasty burns across his skin, a horrible feeling going through his nervous system. Outside, an explosion shook the building.

The guard cursed, opening the door before falling dead from a knife sticking out of the back of his head.

It was at that moment that Percy Jackson blacked out.

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