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Frank sat by Hazel's bedside. Her chest rose and fell gracefully as the machine provided her oxygen. Frank held her bandaged hand slightly as he watched her bruised face.
It had only been a couple of days since they found and brought her here. Since it all ended. Frank had been the one to find her in the Order 7 facility. She was with Red Blood, who was violating her. Frank had knocked the Order7's boss unconscious. Hazel was there, unclothed, her hair shaved off and her body covered in marks, bruises, and current or dried blood. Frank could feel her arms tighten around his own neck when she hugged him. Frank's heart ached for his girlfriend, his best friend. She did not deserve any of that. 
He stood and kissed her bandaged forehead before he walked out of the infirmary quietly as if she were simply sleeping instead of sedated for the next week according to Katie. 

Frank ran into Percy who was on his way out of another infirmary room. Piper was currently confined to bed after a fatal gunshot wound to her right lung. How she survived, no one would ever know.
"Hey." Percy greeted. Frank nodded before he sulked off. Percy turned to catch up.

"Hey, Frank, I was talking to you."
"I know. What do you need?"
"Just talking." Percy shrugged as they walked outside. "Wanted to see how you're holding up."
"Terrified," Frank admitted, knowing Percy was the least likely to judge what he said.

"I understand that," Percy muttered.

Frank's shoulders sank slightly. 

"The way I...I found her. So broken and helpless, and scared...I can't get that image out of my head. What Red Blood was doing...doing to her. Did he do the same to you?" 
Percy shook his head.

"No. He never tried to touch me too."
Frank thought he heard a hint of fault in the sentence. Was Percy trying to hide it?

"When she wakes up, she won't be able to hide how damaged she is. Not like you can, Percy. What if..."
Frank held back what he wanted to say.

"I'm hiding it because that's what I naturally do, Frank. I talk to someone now and then. But I keep going because if I dwell on it, it hurts more. Just be there for her when she wakes up. Let her know you're there to listen."
"Right." Frank put a hand on Percy's shoulder. Percy almost immediately jumped a little. He stared at Frank before he blinked and he relaxed.

"Sorry, Percy. I didn't mean..."
"No. No, it's okay. I guess I'm still healing too." 

"I'm going back to her." Frank finally said after they stood there for a while.

Percy nodded.

"Go on. I'll come by later, bring you food if you'd like."
"That would be great. Thanks, Percy."

Percy gives Frank a fistbump.

"What friends are for, right?"
Frank smiled.

Frank turned and walked back inside.

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