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Annabeth sat at Poseidon's table, an hour after everyone went to play capture the flag. It had been three weeks since Percy was brought back. Katie and Austin, the two Apollo campers, explained how they were going to sedate him for a while as they slowly repaired the damage done. Leo had constructed a robotic arm and eye, both already attached to Percy's body. His injuries had worried Annabeth, but after three weeks, he seemed to be improving. The recent burns were slowly healing, leaving scarred skin. The holes all in his limbs from the nails were beginning to mend themselves on the inside.

Annabeth was in his room almost twenty-four seven. But right now, she needed a breather, alone, with nothing but her thoughts. It took all her will to leave his bedside in the infirmary and just, breathe.

The waves on Long Island Shore lapped across the sandy beach, the salty smell filling her with heartache. Percy always smelled like the ocean being the son of Poseidon and all, but right now, he still smelled of dying seaweed, killing the scent she loved.

"Hey," Jason said, sitting beside her on the bench.

After the explosion from earlier, Jason had been in a coma for a couple of weeks, waking with severe burns all over his body.

Annabeth shifted to make room.

"He's going to be okay," Jason assured, squeezing Annabeth's hand. It wasn't a romantic gesture, just a comforting friendly squeeze.

"I know." Annabeth sighed. "I was just thinking about what will happen when he wakes up. He's going to be mentally...:"

For once, Annabeth didn't know how to word a sentence.

"He will." Jason guessed what she was going to say. "That's where we come in. As his friends, we have a responsibility to listen, care, to be there for him when he needs it."

She nodded, wiping a tear from her eye.

"It's never going to be the same."
"We're demigods. When has it ever stayed the same?" Jason chuckled slightly.

"Fair enough." Annabeth managed a smile before it melted.

"If only the fates treated Percy like they treat us. First, the two great prophecies that almost got him killed, the amnesia at Camp Jupiter, and now, a hell-like nightmarish abduction. I feel so bad for him. No one deserves what he's been going through."

"As I said, we're demigods. No one knows why we get the worse out of everything, but we do."

"You're not helping the mood, Jason, you know that right?"

Jason shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm not the best one to talk to about comfort. Worth a try though."

Annabeth sighs.

"Thanks for trying."

Annabeth stood.

"I should go."

"Do you want someone with you or do you want to be alone?"

Annabeth shook her head.

"Alone, please."

That's why Annabeth loved Jason. He understood giving someone space unlike everyone else who always tried to be near.

She went back to the infirmary, opening his door as if creeping into a child's bedroom.

His body lay under the sheets, wrapped in many bandages.

Annabeth sat, taking his scarred hand into hers. Noticing the drool at the edge of his lips. Annabeth couldn't help but laugh slightly.

You drool in your sleep.

The first thing he ever heard her say to him. At some point, he flinched, groaning in his sleep, his hand squeezing hers hard.

"Shh." Annabeth soothed, moving his black hair out of his eyes before kissing his lips.

"Child, you should go before curfew," Chiron said at the doorway, in his centaur form.

"I'm going. Just saying goodnight."

Chiron ducked under the doorway, embracing her in a hug as she stood.

"He'll wake up soon."

"I just miss him." Annabeth sighed, blinking back tears.

"May...may I sleep in his cabin tonight?"

"Not that you haven't already. I'll allow it."

"Thanks, Chiron. Wake me if something happens."

"You will be the first to know, dear."

Annabeth walked to the door, avoiding the rear of Chiron's horse half.

"Will he be okay?"

Chiron looked over, his face ancient, as if he was purposely showing the thousands of years he's lived.

"One day at a time, Annabeth. Like I've said many times before."

Nodding, Annabeth left the Big House infirmary, heading towards the cabins. Piper waved slightly as she entered the Aphrodite cabin. There was the sound of an explosion coming from Hephaestus's cabin, probably Leo's fault.

Clarisse was yelling at one of her siblings inside the Ares cabin. It was a normal night at camp. Except it was missing their camp leader, the one who led them through so much and yet still got the worst medal ever invented.

Once inside his cabin, Annabeth breathed in the salty water scent. His scent. Sitting at the edge of his bed, Annabeth looked at the pictures he had put up all over the wall, placing a hand on the one where she was laughing as Percy hugged her from behind, on the steps of the Parthenon they visited a few months ago, just so she could see it without any quests.

Climbing under the sheets, Annabeth pulled his pillow close, sobbing what tears she had left from this horrible, nightmarish journey she'd been on ever since he was taken again. 

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