Chapter 10

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"Jade, don't fall for Callum," Ben says.

I feel my eyes bulge out of my head. "What?"

"He's not good enough for you."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I see how he looks at you."

"How he... what? You're out of your mind," I say, ruffling up his hair.

He grabs my hand, "Seriously, Jade. He's bad news."

"You're letting him live with you, you're such a hypocrite."

"He's a player, Jade. He's a good guy, but not a good boyfriend."

"Well, lucky I'm not interested." My heart beat spikes for the smallest second. Why did that feel like a lie? "We're barely friends."

"Ok. Good. And look, I'm not trying to come off as overprotective. I just – I care about you. I want the best for you." His generous brown eyes reveal nothing but honesty.

I'm so lucky to have Ben. I give him a hug. "Don't worry about me, Doctor."

"I'll always worry about you." He gives me a small smile. "I gotta bounce, the band's about to play."

Ben makes his way up to the front. I notice Callum beside Ben, both of them wearing guitars slung across their shoulders. I can't help but think that Callum does look kinda hot up there, hands wrapped around the neck of the guitar, under the lights, glistening with sweat.

I almost smack myself for thinking it.

Finally, Perry and Xander make their way over to me.

"I'm so mad," Xander huffs. "I can't believe you told mum."

"Oh well, you deserved it. I'm going upstairs to cool down." Perry walks off without letting me respond. I guess chasing Xander tired her out.

Xander and I grab another drink before making our way up closer to the front as the band begins to play.

I know the song the minute I hear the first note. Ben starts singing the first verse of Do I Wanna Know by my favourite band, the Arctic Monkeys. Ben's voice is amazing, and sometimes I tell him if medicine doesn't work out for him, he could be the next Harry Styles.

He does an impressive riff on his electric guitar and I watch with awe.

Then Callum starts to sing. I've never heard his voice like this before – never knew how shocked I would be to hear it. Goosebumps rise all over my body.

"Simmer down and pucker up," Callum sings, his eyes finding mine in the crowd. "I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just I'm constantly on the cusp of trying to kiss you." He sings, as if singing straight to me. "But I don't know if you feel the same as I do.... Well we could be together, if you wanted to?"

The chorus starts up again and the connection is lost. I'm dreaming to think he was singing that to me. It's just the lyrics of the song. Plus, I heard what Ben said.




I spend most of my Saturday at work. It's excruciatingly boring: none of the customers are interesting, no one starts a fight (lol) and Ben and Callum don't come to visit.

By the time I get back to campus, Perry is having a meltdown about her chemistry assignment. "You don't understand, Jade, the math just doesn't add up."

"I thought chemistry was science, not maths."

"You have to add up the atoms in a formula and – don't worry about it." Perry buries her face into her textbook. "I don't think I can come to the party tonight."

"What? No way. You're going to make me go on my own?" I sigh and slump down onto her bed.

"You can go with Xander – shame he's not as entertaining as I am."

"Xander isn't you, Perry. Please? You can come back and work on your assignment tonight and tomorrow. You still have two days to-"

"No I have to work on my essay on my Autism for English, then I'm working on English lit in the afternoon..."

"I'll do your homework!" I beg, falling to my knees and grabbing her skirt.

"You don't even do your own homework!" she swats me away. "Fine, I'll come tonight. But only for a little bit."


The party is hidden in the forest behind the school. It was one of these annual start of the year parties that lead to me finding the abandoned train. It's surprising more people haven't found it.

I can hear the soft hum of music behind the trees. It's far enough from campus that teachers and supervisors shouldn't hear, but even if they could, I doubt Ms Svetkov would walk all the way out here. She's like a hundred years old.

Light shimmers through the trees and a large bonfire reveals itself. Voices filter through. That's when we finally make it to the clearing.

The entire senior class is here, spread throughout the clearing, sitting on logs, roasting marshmallows into the fire.

We walk over to the temporary bar and grab some punch. Perry politely declines the glass I pour her. We hang out with Xander and the rest of his team for a while, dance with Acacia for a while, sing karaoke to Abba for a while, then decide to make our way over to the bonfire to roast some marshmallows.

I take a quick walk around the circle to look for a stick for me and Perry to roast on before bumping into someone. I look up and notice it's Alyssa boyfriend, Drake.

I won't lie that Alyssa's boyfriend is a catch. He's tall, broad, dark brown skin. I mean, Alyssa is beautiful too – her Bengali cross Egyptian background makes her look like some goddess. The two of them make a striking pair – such a shame neither of them have the personalities to match their looks.

Drake gives me a get out of my way, you peasant sort of look, before taking a seat beside Alyssa at the opposite side of the bonfire. I make my way back to Perry hastily.

"How about a game of spin the bottle," Drake says.

Alyssa gives him the side eye, but he whispers something in her ear like it's all part of his plan.

From the corner of my eye, I notice Darcy take a seat next to Drake and Alyssa. His hair forms a curtain around him, shielding his eyes from mine. I'm glad there's a barrier there, because thinking about the last conversation we had makes me cringe hard.

"Whoever it lands on has to play seven minutes in heaven in the haunted cabin," Alyssa says, calculatingly.

Everyone at the bonfire seems to nod in agreement. Obviously some of them are excited by the possibility to be stuck in a room with their crush – or just the possibility of shoving their tongue down someone's throat. The idea makes me almost laugh.

They spin the bottle a few times. A pair goes into the cabin, they spin the bottle again, and the misery repeats itself. So far, we know for a fact that two out of three of the couples ended up making out and maybe more.

Drake spins the bottle, so gently that it can't be innocent. They have a plan, but what is it?

It stops just between me and Perry. She looks up at me with her big blue eyes and almost squeaks.

"Looks like it landed on you, Jade," Alyssa says, eyes narrowing at me.

I look at Perry and decide not to even try to debate it. My heart drops as they spin the bottle again.

It lands perfectly on Darcy. 

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