Chapter 19

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I'm too exhausted to fight against going with Callum. He offered me a ride. Ben doesn't have a car or a motorcycle licence. There really wasn't another option since they refused to let me drive myself.

Callum passes me a helmet. I don't say anything. He doesn't say anything. I pull the helmet over my head. Callum leans in, clipping the clasp for me since I clearly didn't know what I was doing.

Everything is quiet except for when I make a single sniffle.

Callum gets on the bike, kick starting it before offering me his hand and helping me on.

I hold onto him tightly. We drive all the way to school, not saying a word. I'm comforted by him, and I think he knows he's being a comfort to me. He doesn't expect anything in return. He's just... giving.

The wind gushes past us, so fast that it makes my eyes water even more. My cheeks are hot as the wind whips against my skin. Hair swirls behind me like a tornado.

When we make it to the wrought iron gates bordering October Academy, I tell Callum to drop me off at the front so I can walk in quietly – Ms Svetkov doesn't need to catch me creeping in far later than curfew.

I jump off the bike, passing Callum my helmet for him to secure to the seat.

"Jade," he says, before I leave, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. "Be careful."

"Always," I breathe. "Text me when you're home."

"I don't have your snap." He reaches into his pocket, takes out his phone and passes it to me.

I add my snapchat username to his phone and give it back to him. "Thanks for driving me home."

"Anytime, pretty lady."

A hot gush flows through my body.

He drives away and I watch as his tall figure disappear into the shadows, down the mountain. Oh my God. Maybe I am falling for him.




In History, I sit next to Acacia. She acts normal with me so I assume Xander didn't tell her about our little disagreement. "I think Xander is going to ask me to be his girlfriend," she says to me, confidently. "I mean, it's about time. We've been hanging out for a month."

"That month went so slow..." I say, twirling my pen in my fingers, spinning it over and under like a dizzying storm.

"Everything goes slow when we're at school," she agrees. "Hey, did you hear about Patricia Fredrich?"


"The famous designer that went missing?"

"I didn't know she was a designer."

"Half my clothes are Fredrich Designs," she says, showing me the logo from a picture on her phone. "As if you haven't... anyways, point is, she was murdered. And the investigators seem to think there's a Class Killer copycat."

"That's ridiculous," our homegroup teacher says, who I didn't realise was subbing for Mr Speidy. "It's not a Class Killer copycat."

"Who's the Class Killer?" I say. At this point, the whole class turns to face me, as if I didn't know what the moon is or something.

"Of course Jade wouldn't know about the Class Killer, he would never target her," Alyssa laughs.

All the students laugh with her. I turn around and see that Darcy, who's sitting behind me, isn't laughing. But he didn't acknowledge my existence either so you win some you lose some.

"The Class Killer was a serial killer and terrorist who targeted upper class citizens. He called himself a Robin Hood – dolling out justice where he saw fit," Mr Wise, my homegroup teacher, says. "When I was a journalist, I covered the original story."

"That must've been a hundred years ago," Alyssa whispers to Chloe.

"It was sixteen years ago, thankyou Alyssa," Mr Wise says, shutting up Alyssa.

"So why don't you think it's a copycat, Sir?" Acacia asks.

"I think it's worse," he crosses his arms, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, before saying, "Now, get back to your work."

"So, are you upset Patricia Fredrich died?" I ask Acacia quietly as the class goes back to sulking and studying.

"Devastated." She sighs. "I heard that she designed skating outfits before. Maybe I can organise one for you for your next comp!"

"It's next week, there's no time."

"What day?"


"Have a little faith," she smiles.

I look back at Darcy, who doesn't look up, and wonder if I completely imagined that... spark? I'm losing my mind. I'm stupid for thinking someone like him would ever look at me twice. He's extremely attractive, all the girls think he's gorgeous. He's not an idiot like me, his grades are almost as good as Perry's. And he's got the whole mystery thing going on. He hides that he's deaf for who knows what reason. He's... perfect.

Shame he doesn't have the personality to match.

The bell rings and I'm so relieved I almost cry with happiness. I love history, but without Mr Speidy this class is beyond boring. Mr Wise can kill even the most stimulating topics. Sex, drugs, fights – Mr Wise could tell you a story that would lull you to sleep.




I lie in bed, absently doing my History homework – and by doing I mean fidgeting with my pen and starring at the blank screen. It's already six thirty, I haven't had dinner, and I've done no work. I've been so unproductive, ugh! Literally the only thing I've done tonight was have a thirty minute shower while snapchatting Perry about whether penguins get married.

My phone buzzes on my desk. "Hey Ben," I say.

"Hey," he says through the phone. "You want to come over for a movie night?"

"Why not," I say and smile.

"Ok, I have a surprise for you. Callum's coming to pick you up." 

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