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It's the connection we can't explain.

Ava Morris POV 

I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling while Vincent assigned tasks to the boys. I let out a sigh and tapped my left foot."Don't wriggle."

"How long am I going to lay down?"

"Shut up, he is doing your nails," Valerie says, walking into the room. "How cute... Your brother never did my nails."

"Close the door before my mum sees him." She shrugs closing the door. I sit up making Brad hiss. Valerie takes the seat near me. Looking at the job Brad had done.

"What? Are you hissing at me?" He rolls his eyes holding my right leg. He is determined to paint my toenails. "Good job, Brad. The colour looks cute on her." Brad gave her a smile and concentrated on the nails.

"Where is my Dad?" 

"He is in the living room with everyone. They are talking about the buffet."

"Ava, did you see Bra-?" The door opened revealing Celeb and Axel.

"Wow... What am I seeing?" Axel said surprised. Celeb hides his laugh as Brad groans. "My bad, I forgot to lock the door." I laugh and she joins while Celeb pulls his phone out.

"You are seeing my Brad painting my toenails."

"Let me take a picture of this!" 

"I will kill you," Brad warned. Axel takes the seat and Celeb records the whole thing. 

"How are you both staying so calm when your wedding is only two days away?" Axel asks. I share a look with Brad before smiling at Axel.

"Because it is Brad and I can't wait to marry him!"  Valerie laughed while Axel and Celeb rolled their eyes.

"Aren't you nervous?"

I shake my head. "I wasn't nervous when he put the ring on my finger, so why would I be nervous when I knew I was going to be the one putting the ring on him?" 

"Except that we would be exchanging rings in everyone's presence." I smile as I imagine the scene. "Good thing, there isn't media or crowd involved." They hum.

"Anyway, I'm here to snatch your man for a few hours," Axel said. He pats Brad on the back. "If you are done with the task, mister. We need to go... The men are waiting for you. It's your bachelorette."

"Come on guys, let's step out they need a moment of privacy," Valerie said pulling Celeb. Axel followed them out closing the door.

Brad pulls me closer placing his warm lips on my cold lips. I smile into the kiss before wrapping my arms around his neck. We pull away. 

"See you at the altar..." Brad whispers before placing butterfly kisses. I blush nodding my head. He smiles kissing my forehead before standing up.

The entire house is vibrating with the laughter of close relatives and friends. I'm currently at my parents' place while Brad and the boys are at the Hope House. 

"Finally," Vincent exclaimed seeing Brad and me. I roll my eyes while Vincent pulls Brad with him to where the men are.

I leave them and go over to where the girls are. We decided to have our bachelorette tomorrow.

"Is Julian coming tonight?" I ask Poppy who is sitting with my cousins.

"Nah, he got some unfinished work and Ron will be joining him. They will be here by morning. "Where is Lola?"

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